Saturn Reference 第三十九期:伊朗泣别殴嗯癔,遍插诸菊少一人。

Day 1,545, 18:49 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E希腊期刊The Burgundy Files文章《ONE less country in ONE - Iran getting kicked out
ONE less country in ONE - Iran getting kicked out

Goodmorning eRepublikans,

ONE's plan last month had two objectives, to remove Romania from Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia and to give the UK a congress.

ONE succeded in removing Romania from Lithuania, Estonia and Lativa but now ONE has the problem of trying to remove Romania from Hungary. As for the second part of their huge "plan", along with congress in UK, they lost congress in Serbia.

As Borat would say, GREAT SUCCESS!

Iran was upset that once again their situation was not considered or even discussed, and they realized that they mean nothing to the ONE "alliance". So Iran chose not to participate in either ONE channels or even to continue co-operating with the ONE "alliance". Do not misunderstand this, Iran remained a member of ONE, all Iran did was refuse to be a pawn and refused to continue to send damage to the "important" countries of ONE (Poland and Serbia).

As always, many people will say that I'm lying, so don't take my word for it, just look at the Serbian MPP Iran rejected just a few days ago.

So now, we are at the point where IRAN is about to leave ONE, but, they might not get a chance to since they will most likely be kicked out in the next few days.

To kick out a country from ONE, the country must be nominated by both Poland and Serbia. After a country is nominated, this will then go to a vote where the remaining "member" countries get to vote.

In a ONE meeting :
- Poland suggested that IRAN should be removed from ONE.
- Serbia suggested that IRAN's membership should be frozen until a later time. (They considered that since IRAN has no country and no battles of it's own, they can get all of Iranian daily damage to fight for Serbia).

The ONE meeting concluded by them agreeing to talk about this for a few days and have called for a vote to be taken in the next few days.

... hopefully by then they can convince Iran to start fighting for Serbia again.

the person you love to hate,
smee again.


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