Sabai Unity Party: Presidential Endorsement

Day 379, 16:13 Published in Thailand Thailand by Guy Kilmore

I write this article as not only the President of the Sabai Unity Party, but as a concerned citizen of Thailand. I write to discuss the stakes of this election and to make an official endorsement. Before I give this endorsement I wish to share with others my thought process in making this decision.

First off, it is important to remember what the Sabai Unity Party represents:
1). Improving the discourse in Thailand
2). Empowering citizens to feel that they have an active voice in Thailand
3). Creating a Transparent Government to develop a sense of trust amongst Thailanders
4). Encourage the continued immigration of active citizens to grow our workforce
5). The creation of government assisted programs to reward active citizens

When I look at the respective candidates, Antonio and Korbin, I have to remember why I came to Thailand and how they apply to this party view. I became a member of the Sabai Unity Party because the platform they believe in best represents the needs of Thailand in its current state.

Korbin King and his platform:

While I am concerned about his potential of cutting away some of our meager programs. His platform outlines the basics I think that Thailand needs. I also have to agree with Jack Roberts’ reasons for endorsing Korbin. His policies will support the development of local Thailand companies. By developing local business we encourage active people to take part and invest. I also know that Korbin is two time President of the US and faced many of the same difficulties that Thailand faces now, basically that of a low population.

While, I was not in the US when Korbin served as President, I do know of US citizens, such as Benn Dover, who have spoken highly of Korbin. These self citizens were a great help in learning the ropes of Erepublik. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Benn’s assistance in learning the basics. Some people have asked what has Korbin King done for the us. He was one of the first in the international community to recognize our plight and our fight against corruption (check some back issues of his paper). Not only did he take time to speak out against it, he came to help in that fight. It is something that I shall always respect and thank him for.

Antonio Salgado and his platform:

Now, I wish to thank Antonio for his request to service and I am proud to serve the elected government in any way that I can. Antonio’s efforts have been for the growth of Thailand and he has been successful with his work with the Civilian Recruitment Office. He is active, he makes connections and he works well with his team. His personal communications with me have always been considerate and thoughtful. He is also the only TNT member to return funds from the Czech Hospital Scandal to the Thailand Government. I do give him kudos for that.

I have a fear and it isn’t about Antonio in particular. A lot of the leadership of TNT was involved in both the Czech Hospital Scandal (The stealing of 100k baht from the Thailand Government) and subsequent blackmailing of the citizens of Thailand through ruinous congressional initiatives (which can be reviewed beneath the government administrative tab.) While I feel Antonio’s efforts are genuine, the same actors in these events were re-elected by their party to hold congressional seats. These same actors have never once expressed regret for their actions. It is not Antonio who I take issue with, but it is with a portion of those he represents.

I will be the first to acknowledge that there really is no “big deal” in stealing imaginary money in a game. What frustrates me about these events is that they discourage activity and they discourage people actually trying to play. It also prevents anyone, TNT included, from really furthering any kind of agenda unless it is the pitiful one of just wanting to “screw with people on the internet.” I do not want to go through this dark time again, nor would I wish it upon the newer citizens that have joined us.

With all this in mind, Antonio has been genuine. His actions have been true. TNT has done well for themselves by electing him as their leader. I look forward to continuing to work with him to better Thailand. It is the association with these other elements of TNT that casts a shadow over his actions. It is too soon for me to take that leap of faith and select him as my President. I think he is taking steps in the right direction. I am hoping that TNT is realizing that having an active and stable Thailand enhances everyone’s play experience, and I expect to one day call him President. I just cannot do it today.

I hope that everyone is able to look past some of the hard words that were shared. People were speaking with passion, passion is good, and I am glad that we have it here in Thailand. In the end I urge people to look at what Thailand needs, the very building of trust and integrity that is important in having a successful nation, and vote with this in mind. This is why I am supporting Korbin King for president