
Day 373, 08:37 Published in Thailand Austria by Antonio Salgado
Well, when I begin as TNT president I said that we were going to give up the Country President position, look like i have to step down this promisse, and here are my reasons:

1- I wanted to give up because I have faith in Jack Robert goverment and wanted him to do at least the same time as rockman to see the diferences.
2- Jack Robert resigned and I want to do a job continuing his work, but adapting it to my way.
3- I lived almost all my erepublik life here, I´ve try everything in the country.
4- I received suport from many people out of TNT or any political party, also people from outside the country.
5- December is a month when people are travelling or enjoying christmas, since i am very far from my family, and december will be a free month for me, i think i will be a person with enough free time.

After receiving all this support I will share here first my ideas and plans, if you want I can make a contract with them and if I dont manage to complete them i accept to be banne😛

1- Get more gold for eThai, this is crucial for me.
2- Propose a program that every end of month will benefit the eThai company of the month.
3- Be as neutral as possible in all political matter with other countries, but always defend eThai interess.
4- Try to solve our low grain production, to stop depending on foreigners companies.
5- Propose the creation of an investment bank, with public Loan contract to companies that fit some rules.
6- Fight for eThai work class, for better quality of life.
7- I also want to keep some of Jack Robert projects( if you didnt many to complete some, just PM me please).

To show my true desire of giving continue to my work here are some chairs i want to offer in my goverment:

vice-president: s33vald
Just as ealb actually do, but he will also will work at diplomacy( if accept)

chancellor: guy kilmore
he will be responsible for the economy part( iron bank) and also for talkings with the congress.

Secretary of defense: Lance Lagrange

Wellness director: Nouveauk

Civilian recruitmen office: Butch Cassidy

Lottery Commissioner: Beorn ( hope he accept)

National Housing Program Director: Ealb ( hope he accept)

Secretary of Foreign affairs: Mew Tong ( hope he accept)

Secretary of the president: Pedro Bernardes

Employee Minister: Wisdom ( hope he accept)
This will be a new chair, if i manage to create one of my projects that i´ve show up there this guy will be the responsible fo check wich companies fit the program. He will also check with the workers what they want, he will be the voice of the work class.

Inteligency Agency Secretary: rafevares ( hope he accept)
Information is the most powerful weapon in the world, we are not going to spy other people, but this guy will be responsible to study our neighbours and other countries and warn us about future wars and also other things that can somehow be related to our country.