Running With the Wrong Crowd: Canada's Newest MPP

Day 574, 12:46 Published in Canada Ireland by Joe Smith VI

The Canadian congress is currently voting on a proposal to enter into a Mutual Protection Pact with Germany.

On the surface, that seems to be very trivial news; Germany is a historical ally of Canada, we have supported Germany in their recent battles, and we were allied in the former ATLANTIS Alliance. On the surface this seems like another quick and easy decision for congress to make. However, when one looks a bit closer, it quickly becomes apparent that this is really no simple issue, but rather one that has implications far beyond a simple protection agreement.

When the Canadian government made the decision to come to the aid of Germany in the ATLANTIS rending war of invasion by Sweden and Poland, the entire country could feel proud that we were aiding an ally that was being threatened. We were sticking up for the underdog in an unfair and unethical fight; it was the right thing to do.

However, the military intervention of the Canadians was not enough to save Germany, and they quickly found themselves outmanned and outgunned, losing territory after territory in what quickly became an orgiastic maelstrom of greed and imperialism. Sensing this inevitable defeat, many former citizens of Germany sought refuge in the country that had stood by them, Canada. Meanwhile, back in Germany, PEACE was entering the fray, lending the kind of military support that was required to push back the invaders and to return Germany to the Germans.

Make no mistake about it, PEACE did not lend help to Germany out a genuine concern for what was fair, or right, they did it to gain another ally. And as could be expected, with a spirit of gratitude to those who helped them, the Germans are now closely tied to the PEACE alliance.

All of this leads us to the natural question of exactly what is Canada doing in signing an MPP with a PEACE ally? This bizarre decision to support Germany could bind us to fighting against our own allies.

In this confusing post-ATLANTIS era, it was hoped by many that Canada would act as a leader in establishing a new order focused on peace and protection. This proposed MPP clearly demonstrates that Canada is not leading, but rather simply drifting far off-shore in the ever changing current of popular political opinion.

I want it to be clear that I have nothing against the German people. I support a free Germany and I welcome those Germans who have chosen to make Canada their new home. But what I do not support is Canada turning its back on its allies and confusing their loyalties by aligning themselves with a country that is currently dubiously close to the PEACE alliance.

I encourage all Canadians to leave their thoughts on this contentious issue.

You can also read the thoughts of former Prime Minister Bruck on this issue, in this article: