The Citizen Times -- Interview With Former PM Bruck

Day 573, 15:52 Published in Canada Canada by Citizen White

The Citizens Times - Interview with former prime-minister Bruck.

As those of you who have read my previous articles know, I have taken strong positions against the aggression of the Swedish-polish coalition of Germany, and also against Romanian hypocrisy. But when it comes to domestic politics, The Citizen Times will be neutral and unbiased. This is because I believe in neutral journalism; I think biased media is an obstacle to democracy, in the virtual world as much as in the real world. I would also like to urge all my fellow journalists to follow the same course of action. I promise to keep all my votes to myself.


Q: After serving three terms as president, in the last elections you chose not to run for the office, and you’re party nominated instead Alexander Rearden. What made you decide to go into retirement?

A: I had made the decision shortly after starting my third term. Being President is a full time job if you do it right and doing it for three months takes a lot out of you. I just made the decision that eCanada was in a good position after three months of Bruck and was ready for someone else.

Q: What do you think was the biggest achievement of you’re presidency?

A: I don’t know what I could call my biggest achievement but I could name several large ones. I am quite proud of all the top quality defence systems and hospitals that were established throughout Canada during my terms as well as the training war I helped to organize. Those were two very important achievements, it’s quite likely I’m overlooking the best.

Q: As minister of finance, Alexander Rearden gave out a 200g loan that was never paid back. This caused him much damage during the campaign and many have said that he would have won the election if this had not happened. For those who don’t know, what exactly happened?

A: Thekommie contacted Alexander Rearden as MoF to request a loan that would allow him to upgrade his Q4 housing company to be Canada’s first Q5. He requested a 200 gold loan for the upgrade and offered to pay 300 back to the government over a set time creating a profit for expanding other government operations. However the new Q5 company had been placed on the market while it was still a Q4 and was purchased from TheKommie at great savings for the buyer. The fault was Thekommies for overlooking or forgetting he had the company on the market, it was a profitable deal for the government.

Q: The CEP currently controls 8 seats in congress; it is the second most represented party, behind the social-democrats. Do you think that during the next congress elections, in ten days, you’re party will be able to improve its position and why?

A: Indeed we do, last term we took a slight loss from the 14 we had before, we intend to correct this mistake this month. It should be noted that more votes were cast for CEP members then for any other party including the larger CSD. We have the activity and potential to beat out everyone again, and I hope our new Party President is up to the task.

Q: Now, being myself a noob, here’s a noob question: When was the CEP founded, by whom, and what do you think the CEP has to offer that other parties don’t?

A: Well the CEP is one of the oldest parties in Canada but it has gone through several name changes over time, I will just focus on recent CEP history. It was founded by former President Adam Sutler as the Norsefire party and later renamed the Canadian Progressive Front. More recently, Augustus Baldwin took the party and renamed it the Canadian Empire Party, a Pro-Military party for the CAF soldiers, myself being the General commanding the CAF at the time had been in contact with Augustus Baldwin and helped lead the party as Deputy Party President. Following one failed attempt at the Presidency I managed to get elected again, and again, and again. No complaints here.

Q: During the campaign, Jacobi’s platform was built mostly around accountability; do you think the actions he’s taken so far are sufficient?

A: I most certainly do not. Recently he ordered Dean22’s citizenship to be returned without Congress or Supreme Court approval. Dean22’s citizenship and forum access was revoked by Congress after the Supreme Court botched the trial and failed to reach a verdict. Just a few days ago, forum administrator Cesar Augustus received an order from President Jacobi to restore forum access and citizenship to Dean22. Jacobi has gone above Congress and the Supreme Court in an illegal act. He promised accountability and so far hasn’t even been accountable to two thirds of this government.

Q: Concerning economics, Jacobi has taken protectionist positions. Do you agree? Where does the CEP stand regarding free-trade?

A: Canada has a strong economy of its own and only lacks a high quality of Iron. We should be using that advantage to export raw materials all over the world and import more manufactured goods from other countries where that can be produced cheaper.

Q: With the ongoing conquest of Germany, ATLANTIS still divided, and even rumours of infiltration of the American Federalist party, PEACE now more than ever has the upper-hand. During you’re previous mandate, a vote was held in congress about Canada joining PEACE GC, What happened exactly?

A: I decided that as it was such a large decision that decision should be left to Congress and the people. I weighed the options, we would be far safer in PEACE but joining would require deserting our allies. It’s a tough decision and I couldn’t make the call alone.

Q: Where did the CEP stand during this vote? Do you personally think we should’ve joined PEACE?

A: The CEP did not take any official stance, I don’t believe any party took an official stance. It was a big decision and I personally wanted to leave it to each individual Congressmen.

Q: Why was the public not informed of this before the vote took place?

A: The initial debate was kept secret while Congress debated deciding to decide on a vote. It’s a long complicated process and if everything that Congress said was made public we would have a national crisis on our hands every other day. Naturally someone leaked the information and we did, everyone got scared. If it was handled in a controlled manner that would not have happened and everyone would have realized we would stick with our allies.

Q: Now concerning the war with France, witch is the biggest threat to Canada’s security at the moment. Jacobi said in his public address that he planned to try and secure a peace with France, as long as there demands are not exaggerated or ridiculous. Do you agree with this course of action? If not, why?

A: I do, it’s what I had been trying to do throughout my term. The French governments that I dealt with during the time were unwilling to agree to anything even remotely reasonable; they insulted us with their offer in fact. Naturally, I told them exactly what to do with that offer. Times have changed however and if Jacobi can attain a peace without surrendering a portion of the treasury then all the better for Canada.

Q: Another question concerning foreign policy, do you think Canada should consider reconciliation with Sweden and Poland?

A: Absolutely I do, infact I would almost go so far as to say continued support of Germany is a mistake that this government is making. When I made the decision to support Germany the Germans were victims yes but I Sweden and Poland needed to know that their war would tear ATLANTIS apart, and they did. Now however, the German government is supported by PEACE and is allied with PEACE, our continued support is a slap in the face to our allies and everyday we maintain our stance we lose face. I support the German people, I do not support betraying our allies.

Q: I will now ask you a question that was also asked to Jacobi during his recent press conference: how do you feel about using alternative warfare such as PTO's, sabotage, and social disruption?

A: They are nasty and the game was not designed for them but I would be a fool to say I would never use such a weapon. No one will ever take every last region of the USA, or not without massive expense but electing a President that supports PEACE, taking Congress in a PTO? That could happen overnight.

Q: What is, in you’re opinion, eCanada’s most valuable asset?

A: It’s always been eCanada’s citizens. Whether it was back during the CANAM war or while fending off the Hun invasion (that might be my favourite achievement actually) eCanadians have always come together when the enemy has shown its face. I know whatever enemy we face tomorrow eCanadian’s will put aside their differences and come together to beat it.

More interviews with government and party officials to come. Subscribe!

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