Rob teh Bruce wats fappening with ur phylo posies

Day 2,914, 01:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Just read that which I found a bit weird. Basically he quoted a guy who in 1984 said ' computers are stoopid. "

Its like schrodingers cat some people wonder if its death some people wonder if its a live . I wonder if it has lice. Because it can have both states and still have lice. Keeping life animals in boxes cannot be good for their health me thinks. lice is small so they can sneak in under the box and climb on the cat. Cat would probably "stupid mofo cant u tell by me purrs im alive bring me some whiskas and milk and treat me gorgeous hide with anti lice medicine." Or probably "hi hi hi they do not know if i'm alive perhaps i should play death so edwin he for a few seconds mistakenly belief im death. that will fry his brain for sure."

I see the point congress receives a proposal discusses it and votes upon it. Based upon group dynamics there can be no debate, good debate or angry debating. I just hope there is not angry makeup....between .. and ... afterwards because i would want one of the puppies. from that. just saying.

For the constituents they only see from time to time a basic set of "proposals" voted through or out.

Like schrodingers cat (sorry for the analogy) they dont know what debate followed after the proposal was made, mostly they are not privy to the reasons for the decisions etc. Bruce shouldnt have questioned intelligence he should have questioned whether for the normal voter :congress truly exist?


Getting back to the discussion. I wonder how far we are in disproving that theorem. For example abstract thinking is breaking down the walls that held back computing. Take the clou😛 take the borg . 1 Backend between all of them one frontend on all singular programs of the borg. A collective program a 1000 strong with minimal programming required as its connecting to a cloud on multiple devices . thats all. the frontend need only be linked to a location on the computer itself(aint clouds great).

Weird Factiods:Volume 3-

Open Cola and normal coca cola

Open Cola funny article with kitchen recipes
What is this well its an opensource recipe for cola not coca cola. It also includes a recipe for making carbonated water without expensive machines. Weirdly it also includes something which we call boomgom. tree glue in english and is an excretion that the acasia tree makes. None of the ingredients is for sale in south africa so if you die in making your own brand of cola blame the internet.

Normal coca cola

Acually there is a couple of recipes on the wikipedia page but none is the real thing. Someone actually sold the company coca cola (and has been feeling like a true turnip ever since). Its still made from coca or cola leaves but now its de cocained. According to wikipedia some of the ingredients is known.

The Old coke to new coke to new old coke debacle

For some reason coca cola thought the recipe they store in a bank vault the reason for their success was not good enough anymore. So they changed it in 1985
. Taste tests then revealed the taste of new coke was preferred by most over both old coke and pepsi But there was a backlash and for nostalgic reasons(wiki not as clear on this) they changed old coke to coke classic and changed the sugar they use in old coke to fructose corn syrup. More on this later. New coke was discontinued in 2007 and the brand name coke classic replaced new coke as the original product again.

Sugar and spice is so nice.

Well during passovers jews cannot use legume products which is what fructose corn syrup is so MEXICO stepped in and started producing the coke recipe with sugar(not certain if this old coke or new coke i assume old coke).

In the US coke with sugar can be found in bottles marked with a yellow cap.

Actually fructose corn syrup and NOT sugar is listed as a trigger for gout. So people with gout also would seek out the sugar version.

What coke is it and of what is it made

In south africa one gets coke in a bottle with a yellow cap. There was never distinguished between coke and coke classic. On the bottles and cans sugar is listed specifically as ingredient. So if you asked me whether it does indeed contain sugar and if its new coke or classic coke. I truly could not say.

I also would say this is quite of a bit of oversight 😠