RIP: Black Markets

Day 851, 18:39 Published in USA Canada by Tyler F Durden

Brolliance Haz Into Titanium
Eyes On South Africa

The Black market is dead. With the Admins declaring that they will not enforce
(or attempt to) contracts, then the word is out - it's back to the in game markets for your products.
No more tax evasion on big ticket items.

Now all you have is the word of an anonymous online player,
which really is all you had to begin with.

Now is the time that you should be checking up on any contracts that you have outstanding and see about limit your liability exposure.

Got wealth in "eBanks"?
Reconsider it. You have no protection now.

Any Black market activity will be henceforth
severely hampered to gain customers from anyone
but your friends. There is just no need for the risk

Time to pay more attention to your transactions.

Now you'll only have yourself to blame if
you get PWNed on Teh Markets!!!1">