Riddle16 For Delaware!

Day 670, 16:55 Published in USA USA by RIddle16

A few days ago I have stated my intent to run for congress once again.


Yes I said "again", as some may have known I am currently in Congress already due to the fact that Maine was taken over during the last elections and thus candidates with the highest experience points won. I am one of those candidates, As the 21st congress started there were doubts that we actually have the ability to help the country at large. They debated on whether we should resign our posts as senat0rs (Take note of the 0 as it pertains to us cause we won without being voted upon). Anyway they came into consensus that we are to remain as Senat0rs for the sole reason that we should have more proposals within congress. You see in Congress each senator is only allowed to have 2 proposals per term. These proposals are to be made for tax changes, donation of money, printing of money and other sorts which I need not explain since you get the idea already. Anyhow so we were allowed in, but as time may have had it. Most of the people that didn't recognize us before came to recognize us as a part of Congress due to the fact that most of us are active and really did have the intent to help the country.

Now, I could safely say and maybe my fellow senators can say this as well that this congress was of a great success.

You may ask what have I done within the time that I am in congress? Here is a brief discussion on things that I have done. But please take note that I will be only revealing parts that could be revealed please do understand.

I am assigned to the military committee maybe because I have been in the military my whole eLife except for this last month wherein I am in Congress. If you want a more in depth look at what I have done prior to this you can look at my platform it is on the start of this paper.

1. Proposal for Congress to act on the National Reservist Program.

This program was to be used to official unclog the Training Division. I know a lot of you are familiar to this and thus I wanted to address this out first. Since the time I was serving as Company Commander in TD I have already seen this problem growing and have proposed in making a 4th Company (TD only has 3 companies Supporting 5 Platoons per company and around 40-50 Recruits per Platoon). But as it may have seem TD does not have the necessary man power to do so thus I was turned down. Now upon hearing about another program that could fix TD I wanted to help out thus I proposed it towards congress. But as it may have seem Congress does not have the ability to create such divisions it was of the jurisdiction of JCS. Thus this proposal is now in the hands of JCS.

What is the National Reservist Program you say?

Here is the original article:


2. Proposal to make the military more Self-Sufficient by creating military owned weapons companies.

Well this is pretty much self explanatory. We save gold by having our own soldiers make their own weapons. Now this idea has been expanded into more than just weapons. But as of now this is still under discussion and things are looking good.

There are also other things that we are currently working on but please do understand that I cannot reveal everything. I know that it is your right to know but we believe that things are kept hidden for a purpose and please trust us that it is for the best.

If any questions are to needed to be asked about these proposals or my platform please ask away.