Revolt with Style

Day 1,256, 15:15 Published in USA USA by Civil Anarchy

Comrades, Countrymen
I come today bearing a simple announcement, prompted by my own feeling, and the behest of some of my greatest friends.

I have decided to seek the office of President of the eUnited States of America.

I'm prone to insanely long campaign articles and long-winded speeches, so I'll do my best to be brief in this one. #MarXmen is going to be my campaign channel. I'd be glad to ask answer any questions you might have.

This run will mark my third attempt at the nation's highest office, and most likely not my last one. My last two attempts were in good nature, but ultimately flawed. I was a newbie to American Politics, for the most part. I had overly idealistic views of what we could do in the country, for some things. I had barley any expierence in the executive, and yet I had this idea that I could run it all by myself. Things have changed. Name any area of the country, from the State Department, to Congress, to Parties, to Economics, to International, to Social ect, and I have had a hand in it. Not only that, I've been able to maintain a level of activity that I damn well should not be proud of. Yesterday, between SecMedia, Recruitment Director of the SFP, Intern Director, and just plain eRepublikan, I spent about 11 hours working on this game. I have the energy, I have the drive, and I have the expierence to be the President that this country deserves.

Articles outlining my past, my plans, and my politics will be released on Sunday. I'm not quite looking forward to publicizing my past, but it will be absolutely necessary. Allow me to put it simply, it's not pretty.

One thing I can promise you, above all else, is that I am offering you an alternative that you've been denied before. Presidents in the past have been elected upon their expierence, and not their ability. In any adequate statesman, their productivity in a position of leadership is directly based upon a balance between their expierence and their energy, wherein, energy has been completely neglected in previous elections. If you vote for superior expierence, you are voting to put in place the same exact thinking that perpetuates our status quo. If you vote for superior energy, you're voting to support the most change possible to a current situation. Look at our country. Try to think of the last time things actually got better. We're stuck in a rut, and instead of attempting new methods of solving our problems, the same tired routines are followed. If you're fine with stagnation; If you're fine with stability in some senses; If you think we're genuinely moving in a positive direction as a country, then vote on expierence, disregard energy, and go with the status quo.

If you want something different; If you're just crazy enough to want to try to change the way we do things; If the little voice in your head has been telling you something's wrong....
Vote Anarchy.