A New Era

Day 857, 20:04 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

A New Era is rising eUs....
An Era of...
Civilized Anarchy

Mood Music - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rup9sgjB_cY
Citizens of the eUnited States of America, it is time for a change.
No more decreasing citizen retention rate
No more being stepped on by the very allies we stand beside
No more of these discrepancies between the decisions of government and the will of the people
The eUs is one of the most powerful countries in the eWorld, and without a doubt the greatest spirit out of any of them!
People of the eUnited States, I hear you
And there is one simple thing that you must do to have the rest of your government hear you!

I, CivilAnarchy, of the Socialist Freedom Party, hereby declare my intent to run for the office of president of the United States of America. Below are my qualifications.

Now, for my qualifications:
- Former Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party (2)
- Congressmen of New Jersey (3)
- Former Director of Intelligence of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Director of Interparty Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Congressmen to the Internationale
- Member of the Government Oversight Committee
- Former Member of the International/External Congressional Committee
- Member of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee
- Former Commander of the Bear Cavalry
- Sponsor of the Small Party Union

If elected President, I would work towards achieving the following Social, Military, and Economic goals for the country.

Increase New Player Retention through the expansion of Military Capability, and Social Involvement Progams.

Said programs will include the following:

Advertisement: The usage of the erepublik advertising module to direct new players to a complete guide of the information required to get a good start to this game. This would require around 10-20 gold per day, and due to that, may be ruled out simply due to cost. A test period should be implemented, along with a quick survey of new players to see if it had any effect, or if the effect would be substantial enough to justify the usage of 10-20 gold.

Party Education: The best people to train new players are those that stand to gain from it. If a party can educate a new player, then that player has an increased chance of staying with that party. In this situation, you are not only strengthening the parties of the eUs, but educating new players at the same time. In order to begin this, representatives should be sent to parties without adequate educational programs to assist that party in strengthening their program. These representatives can either be from Congress, or be volunteer party members who have experience with their own educational programs.

Company Owner Involvement: How many people reading this were helped, or befriended, by the owner of the company of their first good job? Its quite common, and its beneficial to both parties. The company owner has a more loyal and friendly worker, and the worker now has a person they can direct their questions to, along with some economic support as well. Congress could devise a program to encourage these owners of companies to take more incentive, either by educating them of the benefits, or more direct incentive.

Erepublik Holidays: Admittedly, this is one of the more...out there policies I thought of. This is the use of Congress approved holidays to get the populous of the eUs doing something. These holidays can be weekly, monthly, ect, depending upon congress decision.

Construction Day - A day where each eUs citizen is asked to donate 1$ to a specific organization. This money is then used to buy either hospitals or defense systems for lower priority states and territories.

Income Tax Removal Day - The eUnited States is notorious for having some of the highest income taxes in the eWorld, so how about one day where we fix that? The procedure would go as followe😛 Congress approves a certain day to be "Income Tax Removal Day" or "Income Tax Return Day". Lets say Day 700. On day 698, at approximately 11:55-11:58, one congressmen will propose to change the income tax to 1%. On 11:55, day 699, the tax will drop to 1%. Immediately after this, congress will propose to return the income tax to normal levels, allowing for a 24 hour period where there are no income taxes in the nation. This will give the citizens of the eUs a little break, while ensuring the loss of the eUs government is minimal. This day would be used only if sufficient proposals were available, and in liu of the Lulz Proposals at the end of each congressional term.

Real Life Day: A day where people are encouraged to write articles about real life events, aspects, ect. This is to promote activity in the eUs media, along with allowing people to get to know themselves a bit better.

Troll d.....ahem. International Media Humiliation Day: An enemy country will be picked, and citizens of the eUnited States will be encouraged to...visit the medias of these countries, or publish articles of their own in the medias of other countries. Citizens will be encouraged gear their comments towards more humorous or negative commentary.

The Great eAmerican Baby Boom!
June 15-23, the average day that most RL United States teens get out of school for Summer. This week, and the subsequent three months, has the most potential for a baby boom out of any time during the year. It is the time where the majority of people RL, aged 13-24, gain an extra 8 hours in the day, and many don't know what to do with it.
We need to use this. We need to get this games exposure out massively before this time period, and the result of it will be....extraordinary
We need to prepare for months to get ready for this. There are tens of millions of teens in this country, a resource just waiting to be gained.

Increased readiness for the upcoming economic shift to a V2 Climate. A specific cabinet will be gathered to speculate on the best strategy to ensure eUs prosperity during this trying economic time.
As the President isn't in control of various tax related issues regarding the current economic climate, I will refrain from basing a plan based upon tax, or other congress controlled, economic issues.


Increased Executive Control over the the eUs Military.

Recently it has been stated that the Military operates nearly independently, save for some cooperation with the POTUS, and being funded by Congress. It is for this reason that is has actually be classified as a new branch of the eUs government. I view military equality with the executive branch of government as a threat to eUnited States stability. The country cannot stand for disputes between the branches, therefore, one must be supreme over the other. And if one is to be supreme, then without a doubt it should be the democratically elected one.

I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. - Barrack Obama

Smart Fighting: During my time as president, all conflicts will be thoroughly thought through before we take part in them. Any and all conflicts that the eUs would take part in will be planned out to avoid any mishaps during the campaigns.

Diplomacy: EDEN

If elected President, I will support the immediate withdraw of the eUnited States from Eden, and push the focus of our country towards supporting the Brolliance, while keeping friendly relations with a select group of Eden powers, such as Spain, Croatia, and Greece.
We have been verbally attacked by Eden.
We have been held at a double standard by Eden.
This shall end at our hands, and from the remnants of what Eden was, we will replace it with the Brolliance. One of true Virtue, Strength, and Cooperation.
Eden is a dead alliance being help up by few, let it die.

Party Endorsements as of yet

Vote for True Change.
Vote for Radical Change.
Vote for CivilAnarchy! Vote for Change, Revolution, and a Golden Age of the eUnited States!

Yes I truly am insane