Response to Imperialism

Day 802, 10:24 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

Undoubtedly, most of us think of the Nazi's when we hear that term. Maybe the Soviet Union, or the British Empire or the Roman Empire. Atrocities were committed in all those empires, that isn't
contested. But here in eRepublik, what harm does Imperialism have? This article is a response to this.

I will not be arguing RL imperialism. Although some historians lay out the case that imperialism, even in RL, has been a good thing for society. But alas, that is another story.

One thing CivilAnarchy addressed was all the attacks America has done to foreign power prior to WWIII. We had attacked Portugal, France and Russia at different times. BUT we failed in all of those, due to lack of organization and all of PEACE rallying to stop us. If America gains high Iron, it was said, and gets more players and educates themselves on the ways of an empire, they will be unstoppable and will force the Admins to reset the game. PEACE believed that, and stopped us at every turn.

Now the reason all those invasions FAILED is because we didn't finish the job! Now what I mean by that is, we didn't have an "exit strategy."

We could have finished the job by doing either: a.) making peace, which wasn't sought after enough, or B, the "ugly" option that everyone cringes over. PTOing them and forcing them to close the war, just like PEACE/PENIX does all the time!

Now, having said that. This is a game. Invading nations does NOT kill any babies. It hardens resolve, and gives players determination and anger against the occupier. In short, it KEEPS them here! Which is the goal, on both sides. More players=more power. Simple formula.

Now, occupying Mexico/Colombia/UK does not give us any high resource. We have almost all of them already. HOWEVER, it is a matter of justice! As for putting our country at risk, it doesn't as long as we FINISH what we start! Which any of the 3 Candidates running would make damn sure we do.

There ARE good points to invasions here. It gives citizens a reason to stay. War makes the eWorld spin. 1/2 the players here stay for the military aspect NOT the political aspect. If their is no real war, they will leave.

Being invaded was the best thing that ever happened to the eUS. It made us stop role playing, and start playing the damn game! We stopped in fighting and started fighting our enemy! That's what the game is. And I play to win. I don't know about you.

"If you can accept losing, you can't win.”

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