Day 1,564, 17:25 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Boyan

Dear Eden citizens

As you already know the HQ has suspended Bulgaria's full Eden membership until we sort out our problems with Turkey.

HQ summit
I insist on removing Bg privileges - such as voting, paying fee, attending summits and having reps in HQ, untill further progress in TR issue and Bg itself

The result of the voting was as follows:

YES: Croatia, Romania, Italy, Norway, Ukraine, Greece, Belarus, SC, Finland

NO: Ireland, Israel, Portugal

Final result of voting: 9:3 In favour

That is great humiliation for Bulgaria that has been suspended for what we believe in.

The Bulgarian CP has already announced that there will a referendum of Bulgaria's future in Eden.

I know that quite often the opinion of the people differs substantially from their politicians.

As i haven't decided how to vote on the referendum yet I would like to know whether you the Eden citizens support the decision of your CPs and the HQ.

Please Vote with "YES" or "NO"

Your support would decide my vote and i believe the vote of many Bulgarians!

Thank you! Please vote and shout this article to reach more Eden citizens