R.I.P eRepublik

Day 952, 08:36 Published in Finland Finland by Ommi

eRepublik is dying. At the beginning of May erepublik had more than 400 000 users. Now in the end of June count is roughly 300 000 and decreasing. It's not going to change either when V2 will be released, oh why?

Reason: V2 & V2 War module

1) It's Boring - No1 wants to stare their screen for hours just waiting for the counter to go to 0 and listen attention sound.

2) It's ugly - It reminds me of early 90s strategy games. If admins haven't noticed we are living year 2010 now.

Panzer General released 1994

3) It's too expensive - There's no limits how greedy human can be. Buy booster, buy wellness pack, buy cinema ticket, buy, buy, buy. No change to play it without buying goldz using Visa.

Personally I feel quite pissed that I've wasted more than 1½ years for this and admins will make it worthless in one night.

Truth is that even V1 is damn boring long term. Admins managed to keep people 2-clicking for quite long time giving false promises about mighty V2 which will change everything. Now players realize that ain't gonna happen and user count keeps decreasing. Who wants to bet when erepublik has less than 100k users?

There is solution to make everyone happy:

Delete eRepublik Rising

Don't forget to boycott V2 (eRepublik Rising)

Sign: http://forum.erepublik.com/showthread.php/98501-We-don-t-want-V2.?p=1199430

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