Quo vadis PigInZen?

Day 861, 11:36 Published in USA Croatia by Romper

Dear Americans (citizens of eUSA),

In an attempt to understand PiZ and his undying desire to weaken EDEN and alienate eUSA from its allies, I had to examine all his articles from his day one in the New World.

That was NOT an easy task as he likes to write long articles with loads of real life anecdotes. I realized that he "evolved" the same way any other player in this game did. From idealist to militarist in few months. His thoughts on the subject:

"Shortly after starting I wondered what was up with this new world. Why were there no global organizations like the United Nations? What were the reasons for the deathgrip of competing alliances on the world's nations? My early shouts reflected this concern. "Why are there no US political parties that are anti-war?" is one of my favorites. I think it reflects both my idealism and naiveté. Some would say that idealism and naivete must go hand in hand. I beg to differ."

Well, that doesn't explain why he is so focused on pulling eUSA out of EDEN and why he is manipulating public opinion to achieve his goal. Let's see what were his thoughts about allies and alliance during the destruction of eUSA, when all that was left was Florida?

"The US is currently being taught a lesson in this war and I for one am not about to let it go by. Instead of adapting to changing world conditions we've continued to alienate potentially friendly nations with an erratic and belligerent foreign policy. I'd like to see this changed permanent and I believe with this current administration it has somewhat. We need to do a better job at communications, both internationally and with our own citizens."

So how come he changed his mind about EDEN? Or did he? Maybe it was just an opportunism, use the alliance while you need it, abandon it when you meet your objectives and leave allies behind.

"In short, we are not a power that can forgo alliances and having friendly nations that view us as a critical component of their security. There may be a moment in the future in which we will be so powerful as to be able to pick and choose our alliances more selectively but until that time we need to place strong emphasis on maintaining those relationships we currently have and work harder to building better relations with those nations that we do not."

WOW, just wow! So you are saying: Let's use EDEN and then we will pick friends that suit us better when we are strong ourselves? Hm, so you actually think that it is ok to betray an ally as long as it suits your goal? Is that why Spain was erased from the map and why Finland got erased few days ago? Talking about Spain:

&quot😉uring Emerick's Presidency when the US was nearly completely occupied by Russia, Indonesia, Hungary and Portugal we were broke. I mean we had like 38 gold in the Treasury, a broken economy, rampant unemployment and no way to think about getting the kinds of gold needed to turn things around. Spain loaned us 1800 gold. Spain has ALWAYS been there for the US and was there again tonight in Liaoning in spades. Much more than meets the eye of the casual observer, I assure you."

That same Spain is in EDEN. That same Spain is helping Poland and Croatia to clear the mess of Slovenian MPPs that are open because of your administrations error. How are you helping? I assure you, saying sorry and "cya guys, we are out of here", is NOT the help we need. Your apology was taken with sympathy but your action wasn't. You are supposed to lead the damage control in Europe, instead you are securing your high iron in Asia.
Besides, how do you plan to do what you promised to do without Croatian MPPs against Hungary and Serbia? Here is your promise to American people:

"Make no mistake - as Vice President of the eUS I would never support the forced occupation of non-hostile territory. China is our ALLY. India is our ALLY. We will not be occupying their territory against their wishes. Our immediate goal is to deny PHOENIX members access to the high resources in Asia, return these territories to their rightful owners and guarantee their security for the long-term. This is what we are working towards."

I do not see you working on that common goal. Instead I see you trying to secure another high region for eUSA, the high diamond region. Why is that more important then high iron in PHX hands??? When did it become more important? When v2 arrives (if ever), then high diamond regions will make a valuable resource. But right here, right now, Hungary and Serbia are getting stronger every day and your high iron region looks more fragile every day.
So why is it that you want out of EDEN? Is that new idea or did you "forget" to mention you have this agenda when you ran for president?

"The recent change in the cost of MPPs from 30 g to 100 g a month PLUS the requirement that this cost be paid to keep MPPs open after a war is opened means that we need to seriously think about with whom we ally with. Do we NEED a power alliance ala EDEN? Or do we need to think of MPPs strategically to provide protection to like-minded friendly countries?"

Looks like it is not an idea triggered by recent events. It is as old as MPP cost change! So you ran for the office with hidden agenda? Hm, for someone advocating open and transparent governing, you sure had a nice secret! Please tell me it is not about money! That would really confirm a stereotype about America - doing it all for profit! Hm, next statement proves it, unfortunately 🙁

"We should NOT, however, lock ourselves into a potentially unneccessary and expensive membership in EDEN if at all possible. The current geopolitical situation is much too volatile to warrant this step."

Well today you left a comment in this article saying that you were pro-EDEN at the start of your term:

"Actually at the start of my term I was supportive of EDEN - so much so that Sindh happened without my knowledge."

Judging by your own articles and quotes presented here, you have been contra EDEN for much longer then this office term...
Not sure if I should continue with this, but here is what you really want - in your own words:

"Now is the time to DICTATE OUR WILL and LEAVE A LASTING IMPRESSION on the face of eRepublik."

Well at least it is not about money... I wonder if Americans knew about all this when you got elected. You can argue that this is taken out of the context, but everyone can read your articles as I did. You went from idealistic "make love, not war" to AMERIFIRST! in amazingly short period of time.

I will work with the military command structure and our allies to make the best decisions possible with regard to foreign policy and war. Contrary to popular belief, I am not a warmonger but do believe in the usefulness of war as an economic stimulus, political tool and in energizing our citizens.

GOOD! Then do it! Work with your allies and not against them! USA got most of all EDEN countries and none of the allies has issues with that. We all understand the need of having strong ally. We cheer Polish baby boom, we admire bravery of Finland and I do not understand why you can't put alliance interest before your own now? This is a TEAM game, not every member for himself! Hm, where did I read that? Oh, here:

PigInZen objectives in one of his campaigns:

2. Posturing and politics is sheer idiocy - this is a TEAM game and petty disputes get in the way of effectiveness.

AMEN TO THAT! Now do as you wrote and stop this BS about leaving EDEN!

concerned citizen of EDEN

Disclaimer: Do you think I criticize PigInZen to hard? Well, final quote from PiZ:

"Finally, I will always, always take criticism and be held accountable for our failures, be they of my own doing, the doing of members of my administration, or of us collectively. That's what leaders do. They stand up and lead."

EDIT 31/03 at 18:15
I just received a word from another concerned citizen that PiZ endorsed a certain candidate in his shout. So I examined this candidates stand on EDEN and I must say it came as no surprise to me that he wants immediate removal of eUSA from EDEN:

"If elected President, I will support the immediate withdraw of the eUnited States from Eden, and push the focus of our country towards supporting the Brolliance, while keeping friendly relations with a select group of Eden powers, such as Spain, Croatia, and Greece."

So PiZ endorses a candidate that plans to stay friendly to only 3 countries in EDEN??? This means that Poland, Romania, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina are just not worth 100 gold for MPP with USA. Simplifie😛 "Guys, it is your own fault you are not strong enough to be of any use to us! Go away until you get a decent damage!"

However it would be a funny thing to see Socialist USA 😃 I must admit I never expected PiZ to endorse socialism since he openly advocated free trade and globalization in his articles! No way is he endorsing this candidate ONLY because of his stand towards EDEN?