Proud to be eIrish Today

Day 1,603, 17:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian E Coleman

Est. 2010
Twenty-Ninth Edition: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I wanted to take a moment to write about the position that eIreland is in today. I was surprised today, when I came to the realization, that I am more pleased to be eIrish than I have been in a long time.

I write this article, as a citizen who has been living in eIreland since September of 2010. I've eLived through the wipe of December 2010, our acceptance into EDEN, several more wipes, the endless months of war with the eUK, etc. I've essentially logged in and read articles every single day, and although I've never really taken part in the thick of governmental matters, I think its fair to say that I have an understanding of our nation, our history, and our government.

Peace with the eUK
It feels good to take a break from our war with the eUK. I don't know how long it will last, how long it will be before we'll be ready to go back at them, or even if there might be something new and more interesting on the horizon. At any rate, I'd like to thank those involved in negotiating this peace, and give my support to preserving it for the time being.

After read Ibhoy's CP Update I'm really hoping that eCanada can sort themselves out and avoid the Declaration of War against the eUK that's been looming. Of course, passing this declaration would undermine our efforts at peace with the eUK. I have limited military experience/expertise, but I see our peace with the eUK as strategically sound as it allows our allies at EDEN to focus damage on the heavier wars elsewhere in the New World. I understand that eIreland negotiated a peace without consulting our allies in eCanada, which was wrong. Yet eCanada apparently has a history of leaking information, and well, Loose lips sink ships.

eCanada is a much larger nation, but let's be honest - eIreland is a powerhouse when it comes to the exceptional individuals we have here. I really think it's in eCanada's best interest to swallow their pride and get back on the same page as eIreland - working to our mutual benefit in our long standing alliance. As a real life Canadian, I can honestly say that I care about eCanada and what's in their best interest, so I give them that advise with the sincere hope that we can continue our alliance.

I've been an advocate of eIreland's alliance with EDEN since October 2010 when we were still trying to rally local support to join them. I do believe EDEN to be the best of alliances as far as conduct and members.

I support eIreland's actions as members of EDEN. I think that we acted appropriately by supporting eBulgaria's rights as members of EDEN, and upholding the integrity of the alliance. This was never actually an issue about eTurkey for us - to be honest I don't have any special ties to eTurkey or eBulgaria. eIreland's choices reflected our decision to support the power of our alliance nations to have their due control over the alliance - and in supporting eBulgaria, we were actually supporting the fundamental structure of how EDEN was intended to be run.

If we have a referendum on EDEN, I believe that we will see an eIreland that will remain in support of our current ties. Despite the fact that I've been seeing a lot of comments in poor form from the dimmer elements of EDEN, I hope that on the whole EDEN will recognize eIreland's superior judgment during the eTurkey/eBulgaria conflict.

I'm also happy today to see that eTurkey is on its way into the alliance. And with the proper consensus of support from EDEN, I welcome them.

Government Supply
40 Q6 Tanks/Day on #IrishArmy. This is a great government program, and I hope to see it pay off. Although I know that some will try to find fault in this program, I'm fairly certain that it will be financed mostly through the genius that is SweetDrinker, and that our taxes are being well cared for. From what I've heard the distribution is legit, so this program has my support. Traditionally I've always advocated free market government policies over these kinds of hand out programs. And I was honestly not a fan when the idea to finance MUs came out. But the game is changing, and our government is putting world market capitalism into the hands of socialist (or perhaps Banist) ideals. To me this just feels like a win/win situation, and it falls right in line with the ideological solidarity concept that Eire Aonair was, in part, founded on.

I don't have any problems with the requirement of following MoD orders - I think it's fair enough to support centralized military controls. In the end working together under the Ministry of Defence means more concentrated, higher quantity military power, and being better controlled and coordinated. I'm all for multiple and independent MU's, but at the same time we should all be working together - and following MoD orders makes the most organizational sense.

Ian E Coleman - The Coleman Global

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