[IBhoy] Update #2

Day 1,603, 07:46 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967

Hello Ireland. Another update on how things have been progressing so far this term.


The EDEN summit was held last night and some important issues were discussed there. Turkey were welcomed into the alliance as full members with no opposition to their admission. This puts to bed a long and sorry affair for Ireland and EDEN. Before voting took place on Turkey I asked to speak a little bit about the position Ireland had taken on this matter over the past number of months and this hopefully represented how most people in Ireland felt about it-

"I’d just like to make it clear that Ireland never had a problem with Turkey directly. There are many things about them that have impressed us and gained our respect. We simply did not want to alienate Bulgaria in our alliance so we stood with them because we did not see anyone else doing so to the extent that we thought appropriate. We did what we thought was best for EDEN and we did not do this for ourselves. We can argue all day about what happened but please understand that we did not set out to do any harm to EDEN, we were merely trying to protect it and keep a country in the alliance that we counted as brothers. We stuck our neck out to try keep EDEN together, not to tear it apart. We’ve taken a lot of criticism over this. Ultimately though we have always been team players in EDEN and we will continue to be so long as we are not disrespected, no matter who is in or out of the alliance. We’d also like to see the charter updated(if this is not already being done) to try make sure things like this do not happen again"

I was told that the charter is indeed being sorted out and that in the coming month all countries will have the chance to participate in drafting it. I've also spoken to some of my Government and we believe it is best for Ireland to have a referendum on our position in EDEN. From talking to other countries we believe we need to send a clear message of where we stand, one way or the other and the only way that message can be sent loud and clear is by the people of the nation. We will be holding a referendum on this in the coming week and we will be looking for all parties to co-operate and ensure that all of their members participate in this very important issue for our e-country. For now though we welcome Turkey into the alliance after a very rocky trial.

We've re-signed our MPPs with China, Italy and Canada. We are also currently voting on an MPP with India

All the Weapons you can use are Free to Irish Citizens

This project has gotten off to a good start. Just about anyone who has used it so far has been impressed by how well it is running. Weapons are available around the clock which means you can be supplied to fight as many times as you want to everyday.

All you need to do is-

1- Join #IrishArmy
2- Check the Orders on the channel or Campaign of the Day
3- Fill out this form
4- Use your weapons to Fight where one of the Commanding officers asks
5- Be a Citizen of Ireland, or a known member of the wider e-Irish Community

So far 1038 Weapons have been handed out to Irish Citizens who come from all parties and military units in the country. We still want to get more people to avail of this though as the more people who avail of this, the stronger our country becomes. I want to say thanks to everyone who has worked hard to make this project work, Sweet, MUFC, Kurdt, Davorko and all of the supply team. NOTE: The leaders of any Irish Military Unit will be given access to the requests sheet for this project. If you want to know anything about what weapons are sent to whom then contact your MU leader and ask them to let you know.


The nominations for the Community awards has started, please put forward your nominations here. This has been a regular feature in e-Ireland until recently and James and Pat have done a great job in this ministry so far.

Changes in Cabinet
Cabinet has been updated to include Einberliner as Janitor. Please welcome her home.

It looks like Canada could be about to waste circa 400 Gold on a Declaration of War against the UK. This proposal costs gold where a Natural Enemy does not. Another difference is this proposal does not require a super-majority like NE proposals, but rather just a simple majority. It is dangerously close to achieving the number of votes required to pass. Ireland and Canada have worked together for along time until recent strains on our relationship, and we(Ireland) have prevented stuff like this from happening in the past. We would have pointed this out to them had they contacted us, which shows that we need to start communicating properly with each other again.

There has also been an incident where UK orgs were added as Canadian by the admin. I think that they should be returned to the UK whether they are enemies or not.

That's it for now. I'd like to say thanks to my cabinet for continuing to work hard everyday for the cause of e-Ireland.


PS: Any questions you have please ask in the comment section. If you ask in a respectful manner we will do our best to give you answer. If you decide to be an a**hole then we'll ignore you.