Pros and Cons of Letting Poland Into USA

Day 947, 12:10 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak
As I hope you have heard by now, there is a plan underway to move Poland to the USA to give them access to some of our high resource regions. While the deal is not yet final as Poland still has to get here, it is still an important decision for the USA. The topic of renting out some high resource regions to a foreign country has been discussed before, but for the first time it appears as if it may actually happen. When faced with a big decision, I always find it helpful to make a list of Pros and Cons. So to those reading this, here is a list of Pros and Cons for a Polish occupation of some USA regions.


-The rent that Poland will pay us will help to replace lost revenue from us giving Karnataka back to India.

-You only need one high productivity region of each resource, so renting out our spare regions will help us gain revenue on states that would otherwise just be sitting there.

-The Gold we receive from the rent, will help us lay down more damage in the next battle of Liaoning. We will finally kick Serbia out of Liaoning which will deal a critical blow to PHOENIX.

-The military is one of the most powerful retention tools we have. The increased Gold could be given to the military for increased recruitment efforts. This will help us keep more citizens as we have been decreasing in size as of late

Our population graph at the moment. This could change though.

-Our media sucks right now. Some of the excess Gold could be used for advertisements for up and coming writers. This will give them more votes, which leads to more subs, which encourages them to write more, and this will save our media from the horrible slump it is currently in.

-Having Poland “inside us” will give us a better strategic advantage in the fight against PHOENIX

- Poland and USA take over the world

All of this could be ours

-Companies in the regions occupied by Poland will now have access to cheap export licenses , as they now only have to pay 5 Gold instead of 20 Gold. They also now have a much larger pool of employees to pick from.

-Gold can be given to retention organizations helping us gain more citizens in the country.

- We beat the game


-Poland stabs us in the back, all hell breaks loose, a war occurs, and the game becomes fun.

In closing, I can only think of two groups of our citizens that would be frustrated by this decision and they are company owners and nationalists. To company owners, as described above this will be one of the best things to ever happen to you. Poland has lots of citizens that work with high wellness. In addition you will save 15 Gold on an export license allowing you to sell your products at the best price. To nationalists leave all your real life biases at the door when you enter this game. Use your mind and realize that this is the best decision for the future of our country. Well that is all for now. Until next time…….

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak

Today’s tip from Billy the Bald Eagle :

Follow the instructions in this article. Securing Scotland is vital to the success of our current mission.