Privatization of eUAE

Day 1,167, 10:48 Published in United Arab Emirates Croatia by Dorky

Yesterday, a member of ABoC proposed a law to congress for a money donation. It wouldn't be anything strange if donation was for National Bank of UAE, but donation was for ABoC private oragnization and it was a big sum, 500 golds.
They use National treasury and bank for private organizations and that is nothing but theft.

My party and me condemn such behavior. They have the most of congress not because they are elected by RL Arabs or others who came in eUAE, but because of their party members and members of ABoC are majority of population in eUAE. It is because their member got possibility to approve citizenships.
He approved it to all his friends from his party and thus achive majority. I think admin's idea was to give possibility to approve citizenships to RL Arabs that they can protect they country from PTOers, but not to PTOers who came in eUAE only because of money and their accounts, as we have seen.

They justify that law proposal that they need that money for Army to equipt them with weapon and food.
Even if this is true why did they donate 500 golds on their private organization account and isn't that sum a little bit too high??? Their reason of that proposal and justification is in this article.

They also formed departments, like MoD, before presidential elections are held. I think that is wrong because they had to wait elections and results of it, because nobody guarantee them that their candidate will be a president. Or they count on impeach if their candidate doesn't win the elections, who knows?

So eUAE citizens, I hope that you will go on presidential elections and vote for candidate you think that will do the best for eUAE and for you.