MoD News №1

Day 1,166, 07:34 Published in United Arab Emirates Russia by Invulnarble

First, i want to say about our organiztion. Now it is Brotherhood & Unity.

Second. About this law

For optimum performance Army must supply food and arms. At this point, we can provide Q3 food up to 200 HP and 3 tanks each. Battles take place 3-4 times a week. The army consists of 40 persons, whose soldiers are working on four firms, respectively. This bakery, grain, iron and guns.
Most of the Army supply will produce itself, but the government will need to sponsor the Army in the amount of AED 20,000 per month. (Its about 500 gold).
This training will support the Army in combat readiness, to bring together players and citizens of our country. We will be able to train and improve their organization, to six weeks to appear organized structure.
Moreover, helping our allies, constantly in important battles, we can gain trust and show business is, and not the word that the UAE - a reliable friend and ally, who will always help

ABoC. For strong eUAE!