Presidential MonkeyBusiness, Day 1547

Day 1,547, 21:58 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

On a very special Tuesday edition of MonkeyBusiness, I do the same thing that I do for all other editions of MonkeyBusiness! But how about a lovely song from a beautiful voice for this edition's article music? Here is Alex Clare's 'Love You'.

UK Confusion

A few days ago, there was much confusion about the Resistances Wars in our eUnited Kingdom regions. First we were suppose to follow these plans, then those plans, and then later on, some other plans! Well, that plan turned into a clusterfuck pretty fast. What started out as our good intentions to help eIreland turned into a real thorn in our side.. especially when ONE turned up with their mercenaries yesterday; it stuck us good. Luckily, ONE doesn't seem to care about the eUK today, and it's been pretty smooth sailing to wiping them off of the map again. But you never know what could happen, so keep your eyes peeled on the eCanadian and eIrish battles.

Thanks to our allies!

And I think I need to give some kudos to our allies for their support in these battles thus far. It's not too often when eCanada gets into a higher priority situation, but it's good to know our allies will come to our aid when we need it. They put out a lot of damage for us yesterday, and even a good amount today (though we're not needing nearly as much today), which allowed us to win where it was important. So I'd definitely like to thank our allies for their support! 😃

Thank you to EDEN & Terra!
And a special shout-out to eBulgaria, eChile, and eGermany, for their coordinated support!


A quick update about these.. since, you know, the MoD and MoI are suppose to be publishing articles from an official Govt Org newspaper.. the Admins haven't gotten back to me about recovering the organizations I asked for ..even though a seperate ticket I submitted after that one was answered in 18 minutes flat.. I think I know the reason why, and, well, I'll wait for a response before sharing that reason 😉 But it doesn't look like my Minister of Trolling idea is going to work out too well 🙁


I have presented the Governmental Budget for Feb 16th-March 15th to Congress, and am waiting on their verdict of approve / reject. There's nothing really surprising about the budget, in fact, the only real important thing to note is that at the end of the next budget period (so, March 15th), it's estimated that we will only have 900,000CAD in our treasury ..which is less than half of what we have now. We are, for once, spending much more CAD than we are taking in through taxes. This is something that many have wanted to see, so that our treasury isn't uselessly full. But the fact is now that next month, we will either need to raise taxes or cut MU funding. And no one likes seeing MU funding being cut.

The only problem I see with the budget is that, so far, only one Congress-member has actually made any sort of comment on it >_> Kudos to Crisfire, I suppose.

Presidential Scenario #2

That's right, the second Presidential Scenario is to be published soon. I didn't think it merited it's own article this time, so I'm being lazy and throwing it into this one. Scenario two was thought-up by our own Chucky Norris, so let's see what our VP-participants have to deal with this time.

Scenario #2:

"You have a Canadian MU named the Foreign Legion. This MU has special ties to an Eden country. In this scenario it will be Australia. Australia has decided to leave Eden. As a result of this, China has begun an attack on Australia. As the attack is underway, the Foreign Legion decide to retaliate and successfully liberate several important region from China.

This action will later on ignite a strife between Canada and China. China accusing Canada not to control it's MU. As a matter of fact, this MU is still funded by the treasury, and thus, the responsability of Canada. As it escalates, China threatens to Leave EDEN if Canada is not removed from the Alliance for supporting a terrorist group.

How do you do to solve this situation, knowing that you can basicly choose any approach that will prove beneficial to the country in the end. You are encouraged to threat this matter both domesticly and internationally."

Out of this world! ..bad pun? Ok..


This scenario deals with the diplomatic interactions with our allies and the management of our Military Units. Just because a MU resides in your country doesn't mean that you control the MU. And it's not easy to just tell them to up-and-leave; each MU is an important slice of the damage output that we "control". It's important to see how a President views the MUs and their importance in a country, so putting one against an ally nation makes for interesting tension.

When the participants get around to publishing their plans, I will link to them here.

Ultimate523: Published here.
Gary Hubert: Published here.
George Beeman: Published here.
JohnSmith 2k9: Published here.
Andrew McKenzie Caine: Not yet published.

Remember, at the end of the term, one of these participants will "take over" as Country President, depending on the feedback from both the public and my own Cabinet. So, for the good of the nation, be critical, be constructive, make sure they know when their ideas are bad, but also when they're good. Even if you don't have a comment, feel free to give them some sort of score on how you think they handled the scenario.

Annnnnd that's all, folks! As always, if there's anything you'd like me to talk about in my next article, please make a suggestion in the comments.

Stay tuned for more articles by subscribing to my newspaper, and help others to see this as well by voting it up and shouting it as well.

Thank you for reading!

President of eCanada.

~Tuesday, February 14th, 2012. Day 1547.