Presidential MonkeyBusiness, Day 1544

Day 1,544, 13:20 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q
A slighlty different 'article music' this time. Instead of a song, here are several from Iguanodon. Is good stuff 😉

Hello eCanada,

I am late in publishing this article, and I apoligize for that. It's certainly been an interesting week both IRL and with eRep 😨 Anyway, onto some updates.

Oh, those Admins

So, as with most Cabinets, my plan was for my Minister of Information, Teddyz, to publish news and whatnot through the usualy Govt Organization. So when I got the organization info from Addy, I was a little surprised to see that the organization, and thus the newspaper, had been dissolved by the Admins o_O

As a response to this, I asked the Admins for a list of organizations that were deemed as "governmental", ie. the ones they know they aren't suppose to dissolve. I received a list of 18 organizations, which is far more than I was expecting (since we usually only use two or three at max). So I've requested to recover one of them for use for Government publishings, but I still don't know why we would ever need that many... Ah well, we'll hopefully got some real Government news out sometime.


I'm sure that everyone has noticed this by now:
We are moving ever so slightly into Scandinavia to help put pressure on our enemies in the area. Some have suggested that the plan is to attack eSweden afterwards, but I can assure you that I have no intention of invading eSweden and trying to keep eSwedish regions. We will be supporting our allies in the region as best we can, while getting that small bonus of a short NE and a few direct battles. But you never know, maybe things will change and we'll get to have more fun than just that 😛


..even more? Yes!

There has been some confusion today about the Wales Resistance War. Two days ago I informed Congress of a plan of helping the eIrish with a Training War, which included RW'ing Wales back to the eUK. I hadn't spoken with the eIrish for a day or two, so there weren't any concrete plans that this RW would be the one we wanted to lose, but everyone assumed it was. A few overeager, medal-hungry Congress-members may have even contributed to the RW starting too early 😉 The whole plan is to give a few regions back to the eUK so that eIreland can have a little TW with them. This will not affect eCanada, as our focus is still on keeping the oil bonus safe. If anything goes awry, it's a quick dash to rewipe the eUK.

Now that I have spoken with the eIrish, the plan is for a Wales RW to be started sometime after this one, and for us to lose that RW. Ok?

Presidential Scenario #1

It happened, it's public, and it can be found here.

The above article exlains what this is all about fairly well, so I won't write much here 😛 Please feel free to peruse the participants' responses to the scenario and critique them. Also, Chucky should've given them the second scenario by now, so you can expect to see that one either Monday or Tuesday.

That new CP Feature

In my last Presidential MonkeyBusiness article, I spoke about a new button that I had found. This button/feature allows the CP to create a proposal to purchase goods from the marketplace. Goods being food, weapons, or buildings. But whenever I tested it, all I got were headless chickens... 🙁 This could have some interesting implications in terms of MU funding, so I asked the Admins if they could provide any information about it.

The response was a quick one-liner that essentially just said "it's not active yet". Thanks, I hadn't noticed >_> Anyway. There's no real update about this, but people were asking questions about this, so I just wanted to let them know that the Admins won't even answer my questions about it 🙁

Annnd I think that's all I have to talk about right now. As before, if there's anything you'd like me to talk about in my next article, please make a suggestion in the comments.

Stay tuned for more articles by subscribing to my newspaper, and help others to see this as well by voting it up and shouting it as well.

Thank you for reading!

President of eCanada.

~Saturday, February 11th, 2012. Day 1,544.