Plato - A love story

Day 2,515, 09:05 Published in USA Canada by Napoleon54

Hi everyone,
I'm an Albanian player who is in an U.S MU SHIELD and I'm taking part in Josh Whitehead Contest.

So I'm making a Plato Story.
I hope you like it.

Lets start...

One day Plato was chilling in his house.

He was having a lot of winnings and nothing to worry about.

But one day things went bad.
A lot of players were leaving.

So he gathered his team .

Even he knows he must fix the economic module , he doesnt do anything.

But then he thought something evil.

He doesnt need new players, new modules . He is happy with Visa Buyers.
They buy and never stop.

And he lived happily ever after with his money.

Hope you like it.
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