Pick Your Head Up America!!

Day 434, 18:35 Published in USA USA by Mercer

Well for those of you living under a rock, the Federal Reserve had been "hacked" and now were out a good deal of gold and USD. Some blame Teacher, but this is not what this article is here to discuss, but just one thing about that is, that in America, we believe in a little something called "you're innocent until proven guilty" so take that as you will. For more about that look up Moishe's latest article.

But anyway, things seem pretty bleak right now, the dollar is dropping, the government is pretty low on funds, our forums are down, and we are acting similar to chicken's without their heads. But to quote Harvey Dent in the most recent batman film, "The night is always darkest before the dawn." You hear that America, we CAN and WILL get through this!! And hopefully when that new day breaks, we will be able to look back at this time and say we kept our heads up and kept on fighting. Already I've seen some upbeats, one example is that before the forums were rerouted, I heard they were back up and thus all the work poured into them has been saved. And that plans have already been made to create a new forum, a forum in which no one man will have total power. Also a new irc has been made, for America, one that will be used solely be Americans, with little foreign influence. So its time we stopped focusing on all the negative aspects of this crisis.

However this leaves us with the unfortunate fact that our money is gone, most likely for good. But we can also get through this. One of the last things I was able see on the forums was plans to increase the taxes to start getting money back to the government, so its good to see they haven't lost all hope and neither should we. Also we the people can chip in and start donating money to the government to help gain back that lost money. I mean (to use a cliche line here) its time we started acting like the UNITED States of America, instead of just throwing around insults and slander.

Well America I hope you do decide to pick your heads up and start searching for the bright side, I know I will.

VP of the Yellow Party

P.S. Here's the link to a temporary forum - http://theeusa.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx