Pakistan Continues Success while Poland Attacks Moscow, Day 1056

Day 1,056, 14:55 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

Action continues on Day 1056 following a busy week, as some minor skirmishes have unfolded in Southeast Europe, while eRomania has also continued its region-swapping campaign with eUkraine. However, the main action and center of attention continues to be the onslaught against eIndia, and the ongoing ePolish/eRussian campaign which has now put eRussia’s economic livelihood at risk. Additionally, eSpain renewed its efforts to seize neighboring eFrance’s high stone; combined, these three fronts could have impacts which affect how the New World approaches warfare in the coming days.

ePakistan attacked, and conquered, three more eIndian regions on Day 1056, leaving Karnataka and Kerala. Tamil Nadu (circled) puts ePakistan in striking range of both.

Pakistan Continues Dominance over India
ePakistan’s success over eIndia should come as a surprise to none, and it continues marching through the Indian subcontinent well into Day 1056, the fourth day of the Dioist offensive. Orissa and North Eastern India joined Tamil Nadu in falling to the invading force in the afternoon hours of Day 1056; combined with the eUSA’s victory, eIndia now only has two regions remaining. An attack on the coveted iron haven of Karnataka is imminent (EDIT: it came at 15:01 eRep time and is underway now), and eIndia will be covered in ePakistan once Kerala is also targeted.
What has been most surprising about this whole operation is not the fact of ePakistan’s success, but its speed. With the new war module and the ability of battles to take as little as 16 hours, ePakistan has been able to spread across India quicker than previously possible. ePakistanis success demonstrates incredible offensive potential which countries in future campaigns may attempt to replicate.

ePoland used its occupied territories to target eRussia's main iron hub and RL population center on Day 1056.

Poland Attacks Russian Resource, Population Hubs
Following success in conquering Northern Russia earlier in Day 1056, ePoland continued its advance on eRussia’s few remaining resource regions with a midday attack at Urals followed one hour later with an attack on the real life (RL) population hub of Moscow and Central Russia. As the Urals hold valuable iron-- a luxury in decreasing supply for eRussia and the rest of Phoenix-- the defenders have come out en masse to protect Urals from falling to ePoland; Moscow, however, seems endangered in the early going of this battle and could fall, although its loss would be less devastating for the eRussian war effort. eRussia’s counterattack on Northern Russia came minutes the battle for Moscow opened, and could help divert attention from the other two battles, which are much more significant. It would be interesting to see if eRussia stages a resistance war (RW) on their fallen capital region, Kaliningrad, at any point in the coming days. There is no indication to expect one at this time, however.

French Aquitaine Comes Under Fire
Aquitaine was targeted once more by the eSpanish, who seek the region’s valuable high stone reserves it once held late in 2009 and for the early portion of 2010. The battle here is early and is unlikely to garner too much international attention, as the stakes in eRussia are higher; however, the Aquitaine battlefield is an interesting bellwether to see if eSpain would seek to make another move against the rest of eFrance if it emerges victorious there. eSpanish citizens have not received updated orders since well before the battle began, so it is unknown what level of effort will be put into the campaign. Neighboring ePortugal has stepped in to divert eSpanish attention, and has also opened a minor fight against the eUSA by attacking Georgia in the afternoon of Day 1056.

Overall, the events of Day 1056 will carry impact. Nothing here is entirely unprecedented, although eRussia and the rest of Phoenix will be dealt a serious blow if Urals is lost on Day 1057. Both sides know this, and both sides will likely focus there to sway the outcome. Time will tell whether EDEN and its allies will continue their string of victories, or if the battle that turns the tables may finally come for Phoenix.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf