Out Break in Southern New Jersey Day 2

Day 573, 19:01 Published in USA USA by Vincent Truglia

By Vincent Truglia, Dissociated Press. June 15, 2009

Its day 3 of the shutdown of a small rural town in Southern New Jersey and things are only getting worse. The number of dead has quadrupled in the past 24 hours. The death toll is up to 173.
Tents are being erected to house the sick and dying. The number of infected has also risen dramatically.

Another thousand are sick bringing that total up to approximately 2,300 of the town’s 3,500 residents.

It’s not just the communicability that’s so scary it’s the speed in which it does its job. You get sick on Monday and you’re being buried by Friday. Not that any of these people are being buried, there all being cremated very quickly and very discreetly. But the bodies are starting to pile up. The crematoriums are full. There are no funerals being conducted, no memorial services, if there’s any remembrance of these souls its being done in private.

What was once thought to be a new strain of the Ebola virus now has doctors baffled.
I tried to get another drive through the town but the military will not allow any civilian media anywhere near it. The town has been closed down. Barbwire fences were put up to completely close off its borders and keep everyone out as well as everyone in.

The military is still giving us the dog and pony show. General Mickowski, the head of The Department of Biological Warfare in Washington has stopped taking questions and is just issuing statements.
“I would like to reassure everyone, we have things completely under control. Our doctors are working on identifying the virus. That’s step one. Once that’s done we’ll be able to contain it. The doctors that we brought in are the best of the best. The CDC is here, FEMA is here, and we have Army Rangers here to maintain the peace. With a collaboration like this the whole thing should be over in a few days.”

That was the statement issued. However one of my contacts inside the CDC paints a different picture.

“The things that I’ve seen will never be erased from my mind. In the last week I’ve seen executions, murders, suicides. Human beings acting like animals. The military is keeping everything under wraps even from us. If things keep up at this pace it’s going to be a really bad week for South Jersey”

That’s it. It’s tough to get details from inside the town. Military officials assure me that if I leak any information, such as the name of the town I will be sent directly to jail. Do pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

Day 1