Day 636, 14:08 Published in USA South Africa by Conrad Dietoten

As a dedicated South African citizen I feel this is my duty to report what is happening in the grand nation of South Africa.

Currently, according to our adored president, Ines Schumacher, there are 3 impending PTO attemps against our newly won back country.

Here is her article:

What this means is, that after months of hard work and deliberation we got back on the world map after the Indo-Brazilian PTO, we are about to lose our country again to some no-good bottom feeders. Quite frankly, this REALLY PISSES ME OFF! We have spent so much time trying to get our country back and before we can even get it functioning again some assholes are trying to take it away. The worst part is, these aren't even PEACE groups! Two of them are from countries that used to be our allies (the socialists are just being fucking stupid). I urge everyone to read Ines's article and raise publicity about this. We need to shut down this PTO before it can even get started.

Severely pissed off,
-Conrad Dietoten