No Fridays Without Updates: V3 Teaser

Day 915, 14:58 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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Studio V3 Presents...

In Association with

eRebuglik Labs...

We at the eRebuglik team know that you all have been just loving the V2 module we implemented back in 2013. Seeing as this is our 10 year anniversary, we would like to introduce you to what he have been working on for V3!

We have grown concerned with the falling numbers of citizens, but fear not 37 unique eRebuglikans! There is hope! We have received a suggestion from OstinReborn562834765586429(x+y)564735687 and we would like to pass it on to you!

We thought you would like a new challenge to log in with!

Click on image to enlarge

Now, once you are logged in you can enjoy all the new features that V3 will offer!
Once you're in you can then take the Captcha challenge! We know how popular this eRebuglik feature is and are proud to present our new Captcha system! Every action you take will now allow you to participate in the Captcha Challenge! Very exciting, no?

Click on image to enlarge

As if that was not enough we have also revamped the "Happiness Module".
Sure, you've probably grown tired of working, learning, studying, snorting blow from the cleavage of Q5 hookers - but wait! Now there is an Air Quality index! Just like real life! Yay!
Now, we understand that everyone needs to breath so we have taken this factor into account.
Different regions will have different Air Qualities. You have grown accustomed to Hospitals and Defense Systems - but now there will be Air Purifiers! They will require Government Gold to maintain! If your Government fails to keep pouring gold into these new infrastructure pieces then the citizens will die! Don't worry tho, we have added a new "Revive Citizen" feature that will only cost 25 gold each Revive!

For only 1000 Gold a month per Air Purifier,
you can avoid this nasty experience!

In addition to these great improvements, we are proud to announce a new partnership with Goldman Sachs Investment Bank! From now on, all eRebuglik transactions will have a Gold surcharge which feeds directly to Goldman Sachs! Also, we will sell all of your emails to them.
You will be required to respond to their investment opportunity emails to maintain your Wellness.

Our new investment strategy!

Should you miss your daily investment roll call you will lose 10 Wellness. If you miss three consecutive roll calls your citizen will be automatically downgraded to Congressman and you will not have a resign button. But worry not! You can buy a new, graphic improved Wellness Box for only 10 Gold! 10 gold looks better on paper than does 2 anyways!

Our next addition is the one we are most excited about! We have been at this one for 7 years!
We are proud to introduce product placement in the Markets for your purchasing needs!

Click image to enlarge

That is correct eBug fans! Now your Q1 Food will not just be a loaf of bread, it will be a Big Mac!
McDonald's has agreed to pay us .001 USD per Q1 Big Mac sold! If you want to eat better to keep your citizen happy and well, then you will have to buy more expensive, higher quality Food. We are proud to announce our new partnership with Sushi Shop of San Francisco, California! They will be providing you all of your new Q3 Sushi!

The eRebuglik Admins enjoying a night off...

Also, you will now be required to use a Moving Ticket to get to Work, Train at the Army Base or travel to the Battlefield! Your Q1 Moving Ticket has been transformed into a Q1 Prevost City Bus! Beware - while the Prevost Bus is a fine auto transporter, it's driver may not always be on time - or sober! Your Houses will now range from a Q1 Cardboard Box, brought to you by Butler Boxes of Canada to a Shangri-la Penthouse suite! As you can see from the image, there are many exciting new Market products for you to choose from and each product you purchase earns eRebuglik Admins tasty kick backs!

We at the eRepbuglik team wish to thank you for all the Gold you have been buying!
We need it as we constantly have to keep upgrading our wardrobes!

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Don't forget to vote for Congress on the 25th!

TFD Can Into Congress!