NNA Weekly Round-up

Day 1,117, 11:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

This is the first NNA article under the new MoHA Culture team,
Horice 🙂 Mr Bull and HRH Mr Woldy, we just wanted to let you
know what the NNA is here to do and to ask for your help.

We will be scouring the eUK media to bring you the best articles and
papers, we shall also be running the NNA Awards again the month.

We'll get the Primeminister to select his article of the week,

We'll link Government and Military articles so you'll know what's comming.

Remember Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper

We'll also link Political articles to see how the eUK are getting along together.

The new MoHA entertainment team will be running fun and games on the
forums again this month so get yourselves over there and join in the
Once you're signed up make you way to the Forums Entertainment section !

Enlightening insight into eRep, Spamming, Trolling or Insane Ramblings if it
interesting or just makes us laugh we'll include it here.

We''ll also keep an eye out for the worst the eUK media has to offer
and will select one article to recieve the Failed Article of the Week

So if you read/write an article you think should be included, whether
it be the best or the worst, let us know at the NNA and we'll take a
look and hopefully include it in this Fridays NNA Weely Round-up.

Horice 🙂