News of The day: Tuesday September 25, 2012: Day 1771

Day 1,771, 10:15 Published in USA USA by Candor

Ya, I borrowed that. meh.
Update in a few hours.

It used to be there were three or four regular authors who wrote great daily papers. They kept a uniform format, and covered issues of interest every day. I’m going to give that a shot and see how it goes. Honestly, some of you would be better at this than I, but you aren’t doing it. When you see something that could be added to what I write, comment and I’ll update.

Mike Ontry will be handling technology. Thanks Mike! Consider this a community newspaper.

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I have access to information from a few closed boards. If the information isn’t available in public channels, I won’t be including it here.

Read this FANTASTIC article to get the current military picture.

My summation of Bucephalus92 article in re current battle:

FYROM attacks Virginia. Active battle. FYROM has 10/10 resource bonus, lots of MPP's. Unlikely they can occupy large number of territories, probably as of yet not a dramatic concern. Maybe we help Albania and/or Italy attack regions there containing necessary FYROM resources as a distraction/drain on FYROM resources available here.

Go read it.

The President of FYROM is under Impeachment: Law Proposal here But it appears to be failing. Hey, there's mischief everywhere it appears.

France is battling to take back FYROM's only Rubber region, Aquataine. Be nice. Almost seems to me a better battle would be there, rather than Virginia. The only one who cares a lot about Virginia is George. Jk. But what the hell do I know. Not much, tbh.

At the moment, the best I can tell, we’re giving/have given up some regions to reduce Congressional seats and resource bonuses. Every seat we lose reduces the number of bad PTO Congressmen, reducing our exposure to bad Proposals, and border crossings.

We’ve reduced resources to 4/10 I believe? And there is the theory that if we reduce resources which are feeding foreign communes, maybe some of the bad foreign folks will go home. You are expected to get equally pissed, but that’s not the point. Congress and the Executive are in constant discussion with regards to these issues, and we hope that the greatest strategic minds amongst us prevail, and that we make the best choices that we can under the circumstances for the nation. Hey, it’s my team, I’m all for winning, and whatever that takes.

We may be going for a complete wipe for all I know.

eNational Public Radio
#eNPR tonight at 1900 eRep time. Tune in.


Chickensguys is trying to Impeach our President. It's failing, of course. IS is a Loyalist, he's a consensus builder, and a decent guy. This obviously isn't how we govern. Expect more of the same shenanigans all month long from the AFA. Chickensguys is ofc AFA.


The AFA is full of primarily eSerbians, joined by Pizza The Hut (aka AJ Bruno/Cartman Lee/Ronald Gipper Reagan). The National Command Authority (The Executive) has declared the AFA Party a PTO, which means they are enemies of the state, here to overthrow our national interests, and substitute their own foreign (team) interests in their stead. The AFA took a T5 on the 23rd, and will have some Congressional seats this month. They will use those seats to open the borders to even more foreign PTO personnel, as well as mess with money transfers etc. We can expect an Impeachment Proposal weekly, which strips us of the ability, mechanically, to swap out a bad, or AWOL, POTUS. All bad stuff.

Our military needs a full 400K money transfer daily, and possibly the worst of the AFA’s damage comes with regular Proposals of transfer of amounts under this allowable amount. Once we lose that, we never get it back. 400k a day is significant, obviously.

Today, our best defense is voting in any T5 except the AFA. Do your part loyalists.

Who’s running for President? I have a few leads, but no one to my knowledge has officially announced quite yet.

It’s been said Gnilraps may throw his hat in the ring. He’s certainly qualified.

I'll keep a list here as they announce.

George (pop) gets mad at Pfieffer
Bucephalus92: Current Military Strategy
The President of The eUnited States: TODAY
Is the eUSA dead?
No, the eUSA is not dead
AMP: Cerbs Wor😛 TODAY
Plan for Tomorrow

I’ll add links as the day goes on. Feel free to spam below any good ones.

I think Captain Kushkins is funny, and look forward to his goofy face and funny quips. He’s also a dirty bastard AFA member, but he makes my daily eLife a bit more fun. So kudo’s to that guy.

And this just in, Emerick can fit 7 fingers up his ass:

Also Emerick woke up. Funny stuff.

Humorous cartoon

There have always been rebels, and we RL American’s usually like them. It’s in our nature. They are loyalists, but they are typically (read always) unhappy with something going on in eGovernment. In this section, I’ll post links to bitches, or give nod to the best of the angry via my Pissed Off And Proud list.

Nominations accepted.

Pissed Off And Proud
Dru Blood
Slyk Willy
Peace of pi "pop"/formerly George Pumpkinette

"glorious eRepublik - Candor and generosity" ~Captain Kushskins
"Decent elitist paper, it's mostly propaganda but it does have some useful info in it." ~Norbengo
"...finally something worth reading again" ~Npaidi
" your paper!" ~fingerguns
" the article! ~BeachBunny
"Great news as always." ~Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard
"Best pretend paper in all of the pretend world! And Candor is a handsome man." ~Totally Fictional Person
"I love Candor and his asses" ~Bigcdizzle
"Top notch paper" ~Shiloh13

Leave 'em with ass, someone may have said once. Or not. No wait I just did.
Volume 1: The End.

Are you a Loyalist?

Dutifully Submitted,


Never mind the article title that got you here. It got you here.