Myopia Observer 第二十六期:【光源氏计划】第五次世界大战的尾声

Day 1,528, 03:45 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Myopia Observer-远见观察
全文翻译自E英国期刊Liberal Times文章《The Near End of World War V
Some of you may not know this, but at this moment, we are all part of World War Five (WWV), which began in March 2011, between ONE, EDEN and Terra.

There was a Cold War resemblance in late 2010 and early 2011 after the dissolution of Pheonix and a lot of nations joining EDEN. December 2010, Terra, previously PANAM, was created and there EDEN and Terra were somewhat friends with a few exceptions.

The first signs of the war were Indonesia launching an attack onto the USA in December or so, some feared this could turn out to be global, which it did in the end. On 29th of April 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina attacked Serbia after rumors went on about a future attack from Serbia onto Bosnia. On 1st of May 2011, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia declared Serbia as NE and there Serbia was defenseless; a few days later, Croatia took Belgrade, Serbia's capital. Serbia managed to not get wiped totally, with still one region still Serbian.

Poland and Hungary feared similar attacks from EDEN, so they both launched attacks onto EDEN countries

On April 18th 2011, Serbia attacked Russia via occupied Bulgaria, which began the Serbia-Russian War.

In Western Europe, the Second Poland-Germany war was going on. Germany was soon wiped and on March 22nd 2011, France declared Poland as NE, France lost that war and was partially wiped until October 2011 or so. Outside Europe, there were many USA-Mexico, USA-Poland wars and others...

So here we are, now, late January 2012. ONE has been winning WWV since the beginning, but it seems that now, it's better to be legion than to be alone.

UK is wiped, or partially was/is. Serbia is in war versus its neighbors and looks like it won't be able to hold on much longer, Sweden has only like, 3-4 regions left compared to back in November-October or so, it had most of Norway and Finland. Indonesia is still big but versus Brazil it doesn't stand such a chance if attacked. The only one left is Poland, and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). I don't always follow what's going on down there (Serbia, Croatia, FYROM, Albania etc.) so I can't definitely say this; but this surely is a sign of the end of ONE and the end of World War V.

Therefore, I must conclude, that the UK leaving ONE for Terra or EDEN shouldn't be crossed off the list.

V+S please

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