My Views on the elections

Day 714, 13:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Dylanb9216

I'm sure my legions of fan's will be worried at the lack of articles as of late but do not fear! - for I am back with an article about the presidential elections!

Views on candidates:

5n4keyes: An extremely hardworking individual who has always put eIreland before himself, he is as far as I know the strongest eIrishman and currently ranked #3 in the country, he is a member of the same political party as I am, The IFP, a party with much history and great active people. 5n4keyes ran last month but eventually was defeated by patton.

Patton: Patton is a great leader and asset to eIreland no doubt, why he is running for a third consecutive presidency is beyond me as I am pretty sure he has achieved his goals and should let another take the reigns of presidency, he recently re-organised the IDF which is a great achievement and he is a member of the IUP, the only thing about Patton that would be some cause for concern is his recent baby-eating escapades! 😮

Appleman: I admint I know the least amount about this candidate but from what I have read he seems like a promising political figure who notably played a key role in the reorganization of the Irish Social Democrats, I would like to encourage appleman and people like him to aim as high as possible in Erepublik!

My Vote will be going for 5n4keyes as I feel he is the best choice for the people of eIreland but that decision is yours to make wisely!

oh and the pictures unrelated I just like planes! 😃