My Deepest Appologies, To Some eCanadians!

Day 779, 17:07 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Hello eCanada,

A few days ago, the presidential elections occoured, many people were on the edge, since the voting came very close by the end. Unfortunately, some people went a little overboard with getting support, and getting things shouted out to eCanadians (by sonme people, I mean me). So, this article is me appologising personally to each individual I affected on that day, due to my rather abrasive article entitled Caesar vs. The CPP.

Now, I know when i've gone too far, and I take responsibility for my actions, so, here we go...

First of all, to Derek Harland. I am sorry for any negative impacts that this article caused to you. I shouldn't of put this article out there, since if I hadn't of, who knows, you may of won the elections, because the "great debate" wouldn't of occoured. So, I am truly sorry Derek Harland.

Secondly, my next appology goes to Jacobi . In all of the commotion that occoured because of a few articles that went back and forth, im sure there was some sort of negative impact placed towards you. I want to clear the air, and say that THERE WAS NO INTENT TO MAKE YOU LOOK BAD. For that, I am very sorry, Mr. Jacobi.

Thirdly, my next appology goes to Gaius Julius Caesar00. To whom, I KNOW I owe more than only words to make up for what I did to you yesterday. I took myself too far, and crossed several lines with you, over something stupid, which should not of been made a big deal of, and could of been clamly discussed. I don't know how I can ever truly make up for what I have done, I mean, over 1000 views, 79 votes. 70 comments... all on that one article I made, which could of been prevented. I know when I have bitten too much too chew, and I am ready and willing to take any consequences you deem nessesary, I will even understand if you kick me out of your Cabinet, or De-Moderate my status on the forums. I will know why you did that. So again Caesar, you deserve my deepest of deepest appologies Caesar. I am sorry 🙁

Anyways eCanada, there you have it. I am a man to my word, and I am a man that takes responsibilty for actions.
