Caesar Vs. The CPP

Day 777, 15:31 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Good day everyone,

This is in response to the following article:

The preceding article is of complete outrage. For it has many faults in many places.

First of all, don't say "the whole CPP supports Jacobi", because that is not the case at all, you have missed the mark greatly by saying that. For in fact, a huge chunk of our active CPP members are for Derek Harland, so that right there is your first mistake, Mr. Party President!

Secondly, this has ruined part of our party image, since you have added a shit load of comments to that article saying that the CPP supports Jacobi, (which again, is not entirely true, since some of us love change, and love the ideas that Derek Harland will bring to office). The CPP is quite outraged at how you decided to promote this, Gaius Julius Caesar00!

Thirdly, is it not ironic, how you decided to use a full out party organization, to do those comments, when you could of used your own account to do that? Does that tell you something about your alignment for support? Are you too chicken to come out and say it yourself? We the CPP have our own words and actions, and can speak for our selves, thank you very much!

Finally, let's take a moment to reflect on how this could of all been changed back at the Party Presidnet elections (no, im not tyring to make myself look good). Let's just hope that most CPPers look through this masquerade, and vote for the person who can actually make a change to the CPP.

AngryMobMan out.