Mick Gatto is a LIAR - edited with proof of his lies

Day 2,155, 03:01 Published in Australia Australia by Binda33

Re: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-prime-minister-week-one-pwning-indo-new-forums-changes-2328829/1/20#comments

I just want to go on record as saying TJ (Mick) is a bloody LIAR!

Mick, I would like you to prove what you said in comments about my trying to get Ranger removed as Admin of Aus Forums.


Mick, put up your evidence, you lying prick!

Mick is trying to get people to boycott our national forums and since he can't find any real reason, he's making them up!

Shame on you TJ. This is about as low as you can go. I can't believe that our own CP would stoop to this.

Here is a ss of the Admin forum, which we don't tend to use a lot. This is every single thread from this year. As you can see, there is no thread asking for Ranger to be removed as Admin. Mick is a dirty rotten LIAR: