MarketMatters # 23. New Name, Old Spiel

Day 2,119, 17:22 Published in Canada Poland by TheSocialistChicken

Shoi has started his weekly articles back up, and 3 months seems like a long enough hiatus. TSPWTTM, NAMW, MarketMatters. Whatever you call it, It's back! Since the last edition, Gold prices are down. Weapons prices are up slightly. And no one cares about the food market. The biggest news stories since the last edition is that Canada has been freed, America occupied, and the 6th World war rages on. oh, and there is no longer a thing called income tax. Its now called work tax. Sounds dystopian to me personally. So, Lets get down to it shall we...


Compared to my last edition 3 months ago, not too much has changed. I of course missed a huge price jump caused by the work tax, and from memory right after it dropped, the markets are stabilizing. another thing different from the last edition is that we finally have bonuses again, thus our production has increased. Again, it seems that the markets are the exact same as when I published the last edition of NAMW. FFS plato, fix the economy!


Speaking of deceased farm animals and sticks, No one cares about the food market. or at least they didn't. Q4,5, and 7 are all over the place. I'm not really sure what the hell is going on, there hasn't been any missions in a while. Just one of those weird little things that happens occasionally.


Starting next week, I'm going to use average wage instead of highest paying job on market for this chart.


price up from week start, though down from last edition in June. The only way for this market to recover is for the admins to do away with gold limits,plato to fix the economy, and for me to beat a dead horse.

Well, it's back. Thank you for reading. Reporting for the eCanadian Business Weekly, this is TheSocialistChicken. Stay Classy eCanada!