London's New Evening Standard!

Day 702, 09:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

Alright me ‘ol mockney chinas. I’ve had a rebrand of this august organ and it has now become LG’s London Evening Standard.

I hope to use my positions both within the London Regional Council and as a London Congressman to post useful info, highlights, snippets and general vents of spleen which are specifically London focused.

The Welcomes Councillor job is to welcome new citizens of the region to the Regional forum and hopefully outline the basics of eRep citizenry to them...

Firstly therefore, please say a big hello to the newest London forum posters:]PhoenixFiress]Lyzon]Mr. Repetti

If you are a new Londoner, PLEASE VISIT & BOOKMARK THIS FORUM – London has the most active regional forum and the forums are where the eUK really exists and where you will find a thriving community -]CLICK HERE

Secondly, some Forum posts of note this week:
1) SpruceMagoo1 has done fine work by providing some timewasting but most excellent games:
2) More uber-wellness gifting by the true cockney legend that is UKsFinest. Click here to see if you qualify for a free health boost:] London Gifting Thread
3) The London Estate Agent – subsidised housing for all you lucky citizens that can afford it:]London Housing Thread
4) eUK Region Wars – How is London faring in the latest round of region wars?]Click here to find out
5) Sir Botham is looking to put a London eCricket team together - post here if you are keen:

London Focused articles in the press – dominated this week as you might expect by the forthcoming Congressional elections, but also some movement in the Regional Council.

Press for London:]The Oct/Nov London Council

House of Commons LONDON Candidate manifestos received thus far:

Lemuel GengulfusMy Manifesto (my paper, ergo press impartiality gets slightly ignored 😉 )
Ben Howerson - Ben’s controversial manifesto – I’m sure he’ll welcome your comments
James Clonfert - James’ pitch for your vote
Dr Eggman - Eggman or Walrus? Dunno, but he is Communist.
The ever mighty Lord of the Treasury DilltheDog - Leading the TUP's charge in London

Finally on a global eUK level, an important debate is ongoing in the Public Discussion pages regarding fundamental changes to the eUK’s Tax System. As some of you are aware, the economy is experiencing a major oversupply of products and arguably too many companies are in the market. The Treasury are proposing a major overhaul of taxes to, ultimately, restrict supply by making it less profitable in the short term for companies to operate – resetting VAT to 1% across the board and raising income taxes]CLICK HERE TO READ THE DEBATES AND ADD YOUR OPINION

LG- London’s Good!

[PS: if you have read an interesting article about our fair capital, have seen something interesting on the forums, or are standing for Congress in London and would like me to feature your manifesto, please PM me]