Sticking up for the London Region & its citizens

Day 700, 04:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

People of London.

A month has once again come and gone like a cheap hooker in the night. But fear not, for you can once again vote for the British Empire Party's most popular candidate and 2 Times Consecutive London Congressman: LG - Mr Lemuel Gengulfus.

This Congress, quite a bit has been going on. Firstly the wars with Sweden have, I hope, excited and boosted all of your Xp's and strength levels. I voted most wholeheartedly for this as the British Empire Party strongly supports a more militaristic eUK foreign policy.

This brings me onto my next and most serious series of points.

I have spent a large amount of time in this Congress arguing with GF/Necrosis for a massive overhaul of the eUK's military system. As the battles with Sweden showed, the eUK has a relatively weak and uncoordinated military. Not only that, but a reform of the Royal Guard has now been undertaken which, in my opinion, has missed a great opportunity. I argued in the HoC for the Royal Guard to be used as a basic method of conscription for all new citizens - a tool to build knowledge, increase inclusion, create more community cohesion, boost and formalise training and "groom" troops towards either the Navy or Special Forces - basically a mentoring scheme from day one, with the secondary purpose of acting as a National Service Scheme [for more info, please read my NNA Bronze Medal Award winning article on this subject: Military Reform & Social Mentoring]

The current administration has missed and/or wilfully ignored this opportunity by failing to grasp the potential of this scheme and only tinkering with the Royal Guard, rather than creating root & branch reform. Send them a message that they cannot ignore by voting for LG and the British Empire Party.

As you can see, a central plank of my Military reforms were the regional element. As the eUK & world expands, it will become increasingly difficult to build an inclusive community at a national level. The type of activity on the forums is testament to this, with the national level forums populated by a small number of highly active individuals. WHilst this is no bad thing, it is not in my opinion, ideal. I believe in the potential of the regional forums and think that the regional community spirit in London is an example of what is possible. However this view seems to be in the minority in the Government with some responses to my ideas amounting to outright scorn of Regional Councils & Forums.

"There is nothing good to say about regional splits. Nothing. Regional = fail" an😛 "I'm against regional forums ... it only fragments the community."

As Welcomes Councillor for London I hope you will agree with me that the great work the London Regional Council does in providing free Wellness Boosts, Welcome Baskets (from my own pocket BTW...), Weapons in times of war and a general all-round awesome forum of fun & banter, CANNOT and DOES NOT reflect the opinions of the "senior" citizens quoted above.

If you want to be represented by a Congressman & Party that believes in, fights for and supports the awesomeness of London, then VOTE LG & BEP.

Thank you for reading

LG - London's Good, help me keep it that way.

* This message is broadcast on behalf of The British Empire Party *