London Celebrates Mr Woldy's Victory!

Day 717, 03:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

Once again the eUK's wise and cerebrally gifted public have elected Mr Woldy as the eUK's President with a resounding 54.64% of the vote.

Full Classified results:

Mr Woldy (TUP Party): 748 votes - 54.64%
Altmer Vampire (UKRP Party): 500 - 36.52%
Julius Sterling (WAR Party): 47 - 3.43%
Bob Boblo (Bob's Patriots): 45 - 3.29%
Erepublik000 (INGSOC): 29 - 2.12%

Turnout approx: 19%

In celebration, London has erected a statue of our munificent leader on the 4th Plinth in Trafalgar Square

* Applications for a permanent Pigeon-scarer and other Departmental positions are now being held. Click here for more details:

* * Edited by LG - "London's Good, help me keep it that way" *