Living la vida Iranian

Day 4,139, 14:12 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Mael Dunbar

Fellow citizens of the eNetherlands, this concerns you all.

Returning to eRepublik, I started by making my residence in Amsterdam (as Southern Netherlands was under German rule), created my holding there, moved my companies in the holding...

Learning that Q2 weapons weren't viable anymore, I dissolved my weapons raw and weapons production companies and got more food raws and another food production company.

So came about that I was producing 112 bread per company every day and with the job I found on the job market making some NLG too! eRepublik hadn't changed all that much since I had left, except for the holding and the military module!

That was: until recently I noticed my companies weren't producing as much as they used to. I figured at first som "30 day return bonus" or so had ran out.

Today I learned that our country is leasing out our national resources to Iran, our ally in Orion. Read the (belated) publishing of the deal.

So that explains why my production is falling back by 10 bread per company, per day!

Curious of the country in our alliance that we rent our resources out to, I went on a trip and visited a city in Iran:

The city of Semnan, Iran has some nice bonusses on production, mainly in food and weapons. When you look at the nationalities that have taken up residence there, you will find it a very multicultural city:

You can see that there is only one Iranian national in the top 10 of residents. If you look further to the top 20, 5 more Iranians pop up:

So that means only 1 in 4 citizens in the top is actually from Iran. Who knew Iran was so interesting for expats!

But wait! There's more...
Have you noticed? Who is that Dutch guy at number 11 in the rankings?


What is that, you ask? Why, no... you're right, it IS weird that our president doesn't live in our country.
Yes, it IS a coincidence that we rent out our resources to that same country.
Yes, he has a holding there. He has 110 companies in "Home Food Comp...", which means he gets a boost from the NL resource concession to Iran.
Yes, the deal started some 200 days ago. No, I'm not sure when Janty F came to
the eNetherlands or if it has anything to do with it.

What I do know: our CP personally profits from this deal and our government profits from the deal. But how do the Dutch citizens that don't have off-shore holdings in Iran profit from the deal?

They don't. They are the ones actually paying for the deal with their loss in production.

So here is my question to our members of congress and our CP:

How will you compensate the loss of our citizens that have no off-shore holdings in places with a higher resource bonus?

Critically yours,

Mael Dunbar