Lightning Strikes Twice

Day 2,509, 21:23 Published in Canada Canada by Kaminarinote

Hands of Lightning: Let’s hope I didn’t just waste 2 gold…

Some Mood Music

No book has ever really hinted at it, though the deathless Chinamen said that there were double meanings in the Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred, which the initiated may read as they chose, especially the much-discussed couplet:

That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die

Hi. Bruce Lightninghands Kaminarinote here.

In case you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been completely away from eRepublik for the past 2 weeks or so, and gone from eCanada for…months. You might have forgotten, but I was CP for about a week in July. After exposing the United Front conspiracy to PTO the country, I was publicly ridiculed as a disturber of the peace; which was in turn followed by exposure of some real-life details by Daniel.Plainview (or whatever alias he’s using now), and to an extent by Muglack (though in all fairness he apologized, and clarified the misunderstanding). I demanded impeachment at that instance, and went about flipping all possible switches on the law control panel. This included attempting to make the New Citizen Message the first verse of “FanCy” by Iggy Azalea. Good times.

Last night, I – during a break – quickly checked up on eRepublik. I’ve been busy in RL, incidentally, as I’ve explained. The result was a poorly-written, hasty blip of activity in the form of a terrible article. I took it down in order to write this article. In between that time, both DMV3 (the Dr. Dre to my Eminem) and klop123 (the subject of my infamous “A Serbian Article”) invited to me to return. I have accepted.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because of the eUS. The eUS is great: stable, friendly, well-developed and beautifully active. Nowhere else in this game, as far as I’m aware, is there an eNation so put together. And that’s the problem. While some decry the elites, which is just silly, the real problem with the eUS is stagnation. It is so stable it lacks any inherent risk, or excitement for that matter. For a game built around social strategy, this is a nightmarishly boring prospect. They don’t need to fear wipes, PTO, or dissent. They are running fine, and that sucks.

Because I can’t do anything here without slipping a knife in someone’s back (I wouldn’t have it any other way), I am defecting again. This time, I come to reconstruct eCanada after you were nearly wiped out by your best friends. “I-told-you-so”s and apologies aside, we’ll call it even and move on together. I did what I did in eCanada’s best interest, and left when I felt it corrupted. I didn’t spend months leading the media charge to liberate eCanada from the US for nothing. I did not climb up the ranks of eCanadian politics and eventually rise to the top position for nothing. There were plans in place, but things got in the way. I am not a traitor. If anything, I’m a hero. I’ll settle in the middle, and call myself a friend of eCanada.

I already have Goran Thrax’s blessing to return to Captains of Industry, and the blessing of a congressman and the vCP to return. Now I seek the approval of the people of eCanada. You could use me, and my connection’s usually too slow to play Dota 2 anymore, so I’m coming back. If you don’t like it, well, the link is in the newspaper’s description.

I’m done writing for now. Maybe I’ll run for IW PP or something. Maybe not, Darkmos has been doing an excellent job keeping the now No. 3 party’s president seat warm; but it has not grown one wit, so I might want to come back. Let’s start with getting me citizenship, and go from there?

The Mysterious Minstrel

UPDATE: Dr. Walter Bishop's CS approval was not validated by the IC. I will respect the actual vote, as it occurs. If it proves that I am not welcome, then I will leave.