Labour - Party of the People

Day 855, 12:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Labour Party
The Labour Party of Ireland aims to represent the welfare and opinions of the Irish workers in both the Dáil and the Irish Media.

Since January our party has grown from a meagre 8 members to 72 today at the 4th largest in the country.

We are an active and innovative party which shows great promise and we pledge ourselves to use all means available to establish a Unified Socialist Republic of Ireland.

I want to quickly review our party's policy before giving some brief details on the candidates we will be putting forward for our first Dáil election under our own name.


Labour is a Socialist Party. We aim to forward socialist initiatives in the Dáil that we know will benefit the majority of people in the nation and lead to national prosperity. We feel that as a state we need to restrict the free market and impose greater control over the national economy by controlling the businesses that are run and ensuring they are run for the benefit of the people and not an individual.


Our party holds a firm belief in the establishment of complete control over the Northern Ireland region by any means available to us. We feel that this region - as in RL - rightfully belongs to the people of Ireland and not the imperialist British crown.


Ireland is currently a mess (I'm sure you have heard that exact line many times already). The Dáil is spending more time bickering amongst themselves over partisan politics rather than discussing relevant issues which affect the nation and people. We feel that through the use of future inter party councils like the one held last week is a great and progressive idea that will greatly benefit the Irish Government and people.

Health Issues

By now we are all aware of the horrible blight which is killing off our new and semi-experienced citizens. People are already having difficulty with maintaining wellness due to the reforms and the lack of education to go with them. I recently got a peek into the Ministry of Health and was greatly depressed by the appaling level of bureaucracy festering inside such an important ministry. I urge the government to reform the Ministry to end these ridiculous rules - at least temporarily - and give gifts to those who need health.

Labour Candidates

I have decided to put up a brief list of our Dáil candidates for this term along with a summary of their resume.


3 time Teachta Dála
Current Minister of Education
Current Minister of Health
A very active citizen with a fun attitude to playing the game.


9 time Teachta Dála
Active citzen with regular input in the Dáil and in the media.
Has interesting plans for improvements to our current system.

Pip Kelly

7 time Teachta Dála
Well known and respected long term Irish Citizen.


Former congressman in Croatia
Recently came to Ireland after the war for NI
Deputy to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Worked closely to help us to obtain the MPP with his home nation which is finally getting Ireland involved in a real war.

James Ferrin

One time Teacht Dála
Current Minister of Information
A dedicated and Intelligent young citizen, who I feel is very capable to put forward ideas for necessary constitutional reform which is so desperately needed at the moment here in Ireland.

Glorious Connolly

7 time Teacht Dála
Former Minister of LULZ
Current Minister of Technology

Brian Boru

5 time Teacht Dála
An experienced and capable candidate.
Co Author of the Irish Constitution

Finally me...

Mr Ginge

I am the current Labour Party President.
Current Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

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Also I would briefly like to ask all Labour members to fill out the form at the link right here!

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I strongly hope that you vote for a Labour Candidate in the coming election tomorrow.
I personally promise that your vote will not be wasted.

Join Labour!
Vote Labour!

Not do I strongly advise voting for a Labour Party Candidate this term, I advise anyone who wants the best for the Irish People to join the Labour Party!
We are a fun, active and innovative party. We provide all members with plenty of opportunity no matter what level of experience they have...

Regards Citizens,

Mr Ginge
Labour Party President

Labour ABÚ