Back At It

Day 852, 14:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by Kiemar

I'm happy to announce I will be running for Congress in Dublin, a position which I have held 9 times in the past, as the endorsed Labour candidate. With the Dail reduced to insults, bickering, and a lack of progress, and with the President in imminent danger of being impeached, the votes of the Irish people mean more now than ever. I am dedicated to adding a level headed voice to the Dail discussion, and to once again offer my experience to the Irish government.

I'll keep this article brief because I know how tedious it is to read pages of manifestos every month. But I did want to touch upon a few of the issues I would like to address in the Dail:

The Crumbling World Economy
- Everyone has noticed a drop in wages and jobs recently. I have always made it a goal of mine to ensure employment and fair wages for all Irish workers. I support Project Lambda, but until it can get off the ground the government needs to take steps to ensure displaced workers have jobs at fair wages in government companies.

Military Restructure - As good as the Master Plan is, it will very soon be obsolete and steps must be taken now to ensure our military is prepared for V2. There are two paths to this, either follow Dubh's new structure or disband the IDF and fund paramilitary organizations. I firmly believe, with government funding, an all paramilitary army would work at the very least as efficient as a state military. I hope to propose a detailed plan if I am elected.

Constitutional Reform
- eIreland has something unique which other countries do not, an opportunity to roleplay on the national forum as an elected official. This is fun! It's unique! It's not something we should cast out in favor of a strictly game centric constitution. The problem is the current constitution has been altered so much that every action by a President requires a Dail vote which slows down progress to snail speed. I will support stripping the Constitution bare and building it again, separating powers efficiently. But I also appreciate the enjoyment which comes from allowing us to pass out of game legislation.

I've been playing this game for a while, I know the ropes and I have ideas which have been stirring around in my head for months while I was a two-clicker. Elect me and I promise I won't let you down.
