Kim Ol for Congress

Day 1,250, 22:49 Published in North Korea Germany by Kim Ol

I know, I know, I've done this before. It's half past ten, one day and an hour and a half to election day, and I just hope this article reaches a lot of people.

Before I start: I'm running in Hwangae. If you want to vote for me but you're in another place, justing message me and I'll try and send a ticket.

My 'official' article saying why I'm awesome and you should elect me is here. But that's slightly over the top I think. I'm not exceptionally awesome. There's not really anything exceptional I can do in congress. My political history isn't what you'd call - well - existent.

But I have passion. Oh, yes, I have passion. There may be a point when I fall into a pit of sarcastic cynicism where I see eRepublik as a corrupt capitalist dictatorship led by a tyrant (no offense, Plato), but that point is far away.

And this isn't a lie. If I get elected, I will be active. I'll try to vote in every single proposal. My political stance reads 'Left' but really I go by good. This is just a game, but fraud is bad in a game and out (unless you're playing Monopoly). North Korea is a land of opportunity, like other countries supposedly 'settled' will never be.
Please let me do something for my nation.

Well, that's it. It's no longer in my hands, now. It's in yours.
So before you vote for the 12-time congressman because he's in your party, please take time to think again.

Have a very good Easter Sunday, whether you're Christian or not, this is a good day.
And, as always,