Just burn it all down pls [Reform/Deform]

Day 2,990, 10:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rob the Bruce

We're at a weird point, aren't we? Everybody was totes chill with this whole constitutional circlejerking we've been doing for months, so congress decided "eh there's nothing more I can do things are fine with me". Naturally, that caused congress to die, which in turn caused people to baw about the nothing. In the end the eUK lives on baw, when we run into a spot of nothing to baw about, we all stop talking and then that fabricates the point we are at now which I call "nothing baw".

It's just the standard thing of Dapper is wrong, everybody else is right, innit? Boooring baw. Nothing baw.

With the rise of such a thing a bunch of people have decided that just having even more people would fix the "issue", while others have decided I'll just change which people it is.

This does not fix the problem. I think our problem is we've had not much to baw about, as congress can't say anything that will fix our France issue and our France issue is our only issue, so we've got bored and sorta just died out a bit.

To "fix" things, I reckon we need a bit moar anarchy

Semi related like eh I couldn't find any relevant dank memes...

With the lack of things to debate out, the last congress started debating the context of the "thanks Obama" meme. I am not kidding:

To fix the issue, most of us have decided that we need another group of people, which will run the same course of running out of things to baw about and then people will die and then we'll fabricate rubbish baw of Dapper vs the World or debating the context of senseless memes which makes me die on the inside.

What we actually need to do is to cut the people out

My 0

1. Dissolve congress
2. Dissolve constitution
3. Install one of the eUK's... less serious/competent as sole dictator with full power to do what they like and only remove them if the whole country burns to the ground and/or the treasury gets stolen
4. Dictator must provide 400k to trustworthy dude (ie Wolds) in case the circumstances for dictator replacement in part 3 are met

Examples of Perfect Dictator Candidates
Hail Astrid
Drunk AMD
Really-angry-on-point-of-quitting Neil Lewis

I know what the more srs bsns people like certacito, maybe Addabae, idk some other dudes my brain's farted... will be thinking right now: How does this fix anything?

Well it's lovely and simple, really:

The eUK's going to be inneffectual in a military context whatever we do because we all suck. No system will fix that. The only thing we can fix is the inactivity and bored-ness of the community. In the eUK, we live off of decent baw. By removing congress, bawing about those running the country is something anybody can do at this point as nobody is obligated into doing anything.

By putting absolute madmen ooo ledge ladladladlads™ into the dictator seat, this creates many opportunities for mad antics, mental proposals which in turn will lead to baw.

We're generating baw and suddenly it's everybody's responsibility to baw about it. And so the community's activity levels skyrocket as the srs bsns people get mad as hell and everybody else going "lololololollmaoroflfmlBANTER"

Sorted, innit? No? whatevs screw you all you're no fun

-Rob the Bruce
"Yo ass shall not do accordin ta all dat we is bustin here todizzle, everyone bustin whatever is right up in his own eyes" -Deuteronomizzle 12:8 Gangsta Standard Version (ESV)