Jewinomics in Frost's America

Day 1,114, 12:34 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

8 December, 2010, Day 1,114 of the New World - The Consulate of the People’s Wealth reviews and explains the rationale against increasing import taxes, as well as future plans towards Congressional agreement to budgetary and tax reform from the previous announcement.

In our previous statement, the good High Chancellor Frost requested that we have Three Great Reforms. In this, is the evaluation of our current tax scheme and possible alterations to Income and Value-Added Tax (VAT). For a brief explanation, Income taxes automatically come out of your paycheck and VAT is similar to the real-life sales tax.

The concept is simple. Lowering income tax by just 3% will give us a fair idea of our place on the Laffer Curve as well as increase individual savings. In Frost’s America, no citizen should ever pinch pennies to serve on the battlefield. By increasing VAT (note that the majority of VAT is at the lowest possible, 1😵 we would be punishing our fighters by taxing their food and weapon purchases on top of their income. We have in the past increased taxes on items such as weapons for a good reason: Resistance wars in our regions brought many enemies to buy our own weapons. This taxed them as we handed out weapons for free to citizens. Since we have no major enemy force fighting for Tibet or other occupied regions this no longer applies. The current majority says that this is unacceptable to double-tax our citizens.

We do have, however, the issue of Import taxes. These are essentially a second round of sales tax applied only to foreign companies selling in our home markets. These companies are taxed by a combination of VAT and Import. Therefore, a rifle company in Spain selling in Frost’s America will be taxed 2% sales tax, while an American will be taxed 1%. This puts American companies at an advantage of 1% on top of any market conditions.

By increasing import taxes, we lower the supply of goods. This pressure is what prevents prices from flying through the roof. Libertarian thought would call for such tax increases, as it preaches false profits and individual freedom. What it really causes is stagnation and inflation of the domestic markets. This is economic oppression to the point of making our workers have weakened dollars and unable to purchase even a single loaf of bread. In Frost’s America, no Citizen should be left to starve.

As it stands, many industries have statistically been proven to be gloriously profitable. Therefore, our domestic industries do not need this false “protection” that the Libertarians claim an increase in Import taxes would bring. A call for investigation on these dissenters and any possible ownership of foreign companies is necessary.

As mentioned in our previous statement, the Consulate of the People’s Wealth will attempt to work with Congress to rework our budget. At current, there is plenty of room for improvement. Many programs need to be expanded, such as Arm Frost’s America and the Training Corps. Others need to be decimated, such as executive programs which do not adhere to the absolute authority of the High Chancellor.

The People’s Republican Military, headed by the glorious Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Chairman Jankems, is a loyal entity to Frost’s America and shall not be affected by these budget cuts dramatically. However, undisciplined and dissent thought-filled programs will be investigated, reevaluated, restaffed, or cut entirely.

The Economic Council, despite the Libertarian takeover and hostage of our own eUS Forums, is beginning work on the Three Great Reforms as well as other projects. Included on the Council are new faces to both our own society and Congress alike, such as Jasper Signa and Tiamati.Magik.

The Economic Council, under the jurisdiction of the Consulate of the People’s Wealth, will form to set strict procedure in respects to how it operates and recommends policy to both the High Chancellor and Congress. It also will begin intense recording of information for future generations, as well as leading the current Reformation.

Also, I plan to make the Economic Council an elite group of cadres which orders Congress around. Stay tuned for progress.

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