ITS NOT OVER till the fat lady sings!!!!

Day 1,104, 05:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Michael Crookes
I will be donating food to those who need it 9so long as I can afford to)...please pm me if you need food!!!

So is this it? The stronghold that is London has remained in British hands since the beginning of eRepublik, but now we are told that we are to simply give up? We are told by the man sworn in to protect our country that “this war is not winnable”…where is your fighting spirit???

We in the UKRP urge the citizens of the eUK and our allies in all the eWorld to keep fighting. We are not giving up on our country! We will stand firm and fight to the last. There is of course the possibility that we will fail. If we fail, if we are wiped off the map, then it will be a grave day indeed, however, if we are going out, we are going to put up a fight the likes of which has never been said before!

We would also like to ask that all business owners or individuals who have any spare food or weapons which they are willing to donate to the cause send them to The home guard. All supplies given to us will be used either in the battle for London or other battles in the eUK

Let’s put party politics aside, let’s put personal gain aside, Let’s put defeatism aside

To use a commonly known expression, lets prove that we as the eUK have Strength in Unity

Let’s take it to them!