It has begun! Do NOT fight for UK

Day 601, 14:48 Published in Canada Serbia by Coda

Hello eCanada!

The battle has started today. I am advising ALL Canadians and her allies to NOT fight in the North East battle between Hungary and UK. I repeat DO NOT FIGHT FOR UK!

The first open front on Canada would be in Nova Scotia. France and their allies has attacked there, if you are new to the game please refer to my previous article here.

Also I'm asking you to fight smart! Make sure to never end the day without having 90 wellness, and to make sure that you hold your fights until the last possible moment (the first day it doesn't really matter when you fight). The battle field can be found here.

Its VERY important that you fight in this war, if you can't afford weapons there are people who are giving out weapons during this time such as Banach (again read my previous article). Either way make sure you fight weapons - or no weapons.

Be strong Canada.

~General Coda