Is the New Economic Module Really Better?

Day 1,270, 15:37 Published in USA USA by Juan Ladino

No brainer Einstein, do I really need to tell you?
Ok I will.
Basically with the new module workers produce almost twice the amount before. The problem with this would be the fact that products are less than half their original price.
You might say: "It levels out, less pay; cheaper products."
But it doesn't. I think you noticed already that salaries are the same as ever. This cuts back on profit and actually slowly takes away what Business owners could be making.
Take my example:

A usual employee at Ladino Enterprises-Fish, produces about 135 units of raw food. The manager then sells the raw resource at marke price, .15~.16
The employee gets paid about $36.
But lets do the math:
Profit= (Units x Market Price)- Salary
Ok, (135 x 15)-36

Outcome? -15.75

Damn. So the manager just lost 16 bucks per worker. If there are 8 workers than lets do the math: -15.75 x 8= -126
So he lost $126
So what does he do? Lower salaries.
If salaries aren't regulated soon, this creates a scenario where companies drastically and quickly lower salaries. Workers then get pissed off and scramble to the highest bidder (Business Gurus).
Smaller companies are cut off, people lose money and we got a problem on our hands.

So if your manager lowers your salary, don't be pissed and don't quit the job.
If anything you'll help the economy by staying at the job.
That way we can all make a smooth transition from high prices/high salaries to low price/low salaries.
Thank you.