Introducing the New South East Council

Day 655, 09:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South East Council

The South East has a new reason to celebrate. Horice P Fossil has given the South East a new Council. This will replace the old South East Regional Council, which became inaccessible (due to a lost password). So many thanks to Horice from everyone in the South East.

The first thing that I want to point out is the UK forums. The South East regional forums has recently spiked in activity, and the introduction of the new council is causing a vibrant buzz with plenty of discussions. If you have not joined the UK forums, go ahead and do so today. This article, written by Graham Fortune, gives a good summary of the importance of the forums (with quotes from some of the active users). The South East has plenty of things to talk about, and even has incentives (which will be talked about below). The UK forums has a subsection for every region, so everyone from anywhere should join. The UK forums is not just about regions; there are threads and discussions on just about everything!

Over a month ago, Congressman Stefan1992 introduced the Q1 weapons drawing, which gives people (living in the South East) the opportunity to win free weapons if they join the forums. This programme is still going strong, and is just one of the many reasons as to why you should join the forums! For more information on the drawing, click here.

Right now, we are discussion new ideas and plans to move the South East forward. With the creation of the new council, I feel like our opportunities have expanded, and the future of the South East is looking bright. Our current Congressmen are R.R Napier, Stefan1992, Raziel Darkheart and Damian Jacob Tamir Jager. They are all welcome to any questions you have.

I want to thank all the people who are currently active on the South East regional forums (I would name everyone, but I would feel bad if I missed someone's name). Hopefully you will be the newest person to join the UK forums. Finally, I hope you will vote and subscribe to this newspaper, so you will be informed of future news and events in the South East.

The South East Council