Interview with NKFV - Bulgarian diplomat

Day 2,179, 10:04 Published in Hungary United Kingdom by Bosko Balaban
He is experienced diplomat who made the foreign operations very long time. My friend NKFV was the first who started a serious change and shouted Bulgaria fight for Hungary (against Ukraine). But he made another interest things, good example when wrote a prohungarian article.
When i asked the questions we waited the president elections.

Why do you have polish citizenship?

I have Polish CS for more than 7-8 months.
In the end of the last year some Bulgarian oldfags started new political project and I was part of it. After few months of hard working to establish solid ground for this project both on internal and external level I felt satisfied from my work and decided to take a rest. Our party had big support in the beginning and we manage to win the CP elections for 6-7 months in a row and when I left, eBulgaria was on three continents, with 4/4 bonuses and that period was one of the best in our entire eHistory. And as I have more than 150 companies I just decided to push my farms up and to enjoy my free time with no obligations. I chose Poland, cause in that time I had perfect connections with two of their leaders - Sztandar and Aniaa - and they helped me to take CS in their country.

Would you like better relationship with some (current) TWO and proTWO countries? Or just want to destroy the TWO and be a new balance of Power

The last thing that I would like to see is Bulgaria joining TWO’s sphere of influence, but there are some countries that I would like to have as ally in the near future. In my opinion there are two major steps that Bulgaria have to follow after the CoT’s dissolving. The first one is to stay together with Chile and Macedonia and the second one is to fight against Romania-Serbia-Greece. It seems that fighting against Romania is interesting for some countries in TWO, too, especially Hungary. In the last resistances against Romania I saw a lot of Hungarians, Spaniards, Polish and Iranian soldiers, so they are preferred enemy even from your alliance. In my last article - I wrote that i have some history with eHungary, so it will be really nice for me to fight again on same side with you. After publishing it, an old friend of mine asked me to translate it in your local press and after that i made a lot of new friends from Hungary. During the CoTWO era I was impressed by the Polish military organization and as I mentioned in the first question I met great guys there, so i don’t have anything against working with Poland again. Iran is a strange country - they change sides very often - and I do not know what to expect from them. They are very passionate people and when they are on your side they can bring hell to your enemies, but u don’t know what they will do tomorrow. Moreover Bulgaria has both good and bad memories from connections with Iran, so I’m really not sure about them – after all, everything could happen and i’m open for talks if we have common golas. One thing is absolutely sure – no more ally with Serbia, no matter what. Greece is the biggest enemy of Macedonia and the country, supporting Romania the most, so I cannot be ally with them, too.

Hungary have few good or neutral relationship with some CoT countries (Indonesia, Macedonia, Chile, Moldova). Can you consider Hungary have traditionally good relations with the old friends?

Every country have some good relations with current enemies. Most of us are playing this game for 3-4 or even 5 years, so during that time a lot of things happened and a lot things changed. So, it’s normal to have good memories from one or other country which is your current enemy. The past cannot be forgotten, but it should not stopping countries moving forward. As we see, the game seems to be boring, but yesterday CoT was dissolved for hours, so now a new Era is coming and for sure some countries will change sides. And… you didn’t mention my country in the question, so what are your bad memories of Bulgaria? 😃

I have not too good memories with Bulgaria but i have a very “epic” memory. When the Eden was stronger and Hungary yet fight against Poland and Bulgaria was my allies, the romanians always deleted Bulgaria. I remember we was very sad. Can you remember when the hungarian people wanted to help your country and the hope was very weak? Why should loose the magificent brotherhood?

I think you are talking about exactly the same times as i said – the Phoenix era. Check my ambassador articles (links in the last article) from that period and you will see the relations between our countries.

Hungary didn’t wanted to cooperation with Romania but the alliance system caused weird situations. Spain is better example who can’t do nothing against Argentina. Have enough diplomatic power Bulgaria solve or just can to intervene this Foreign Affairs problems?

I can not talk about your internal conflicts, cause it is not my business, but it’s more than obvious that a lot of Hungarians cannot accept Romania and never will. Here comes the question – who has more power – your political leaders or the people of Hungary? It seems the resistance against Romania is weaker than the supporters of that idea, cause Romania is on TWO side for a lot of months and nothing have changed in your country. If something like that happen in Bulgaria a revolt will be started immediately. So, I think everything depends on the people’s will – if they cant accept Romania no matter what they will elect such a CP, who will take radical actions against Romania and TWO’s HQ, who are supporting them. Such internal conflicts are not good for any community, so the sooner they are solved, the better will be for all of u. About the Spanish issue I cannot comment, because they are a little bit far away from me and maybe the Chileans will have better view on the conflict. Our country has a lot of internal problems in the last months, which caused a big gap in our MoFA team. And I think that is one of the reasons CoT to fall down so fast, because with influential and experienced team we wouldn’t let some guys to dissolve the alliance so fast.

The strategy is dead again said a lot of important players include the chilean president who started dismantled the CoT. What is the problem? The guerilla warware or the unbalanced alliance system or the economy modul or another things?

The game is different now. The main reasons are the non-stop special offers “buy this” or “buy that”, so even if you are the greatest tactician ever, someone from the other side will play with its VISA and will be able to destroy everything you have created. Most of us are still here, only because of the past memories, the players which they met and hoping for a better eFuture.
The GW is the stupidiest part of this game, imo. That PVP module is like a “Black hole” – there are items for sale, but there is not such an industry, so your money and gold goes directly to Plato. Also, there are a lot of components, which cannot be explained – that’s why I avoid PVP module. During the last weekly challenges I fought several times there and despite I was hitting for Germany against Denmark (0 allies) a fought only against Romanians, who already had few thousands fights (even 6000), all of them using the expensive guns and bombs and shooting 3-4 criticals in one battle. In my opinion there is no sense to spent anything in GWs. I’m not playing Fox Mulder, but strange things are happening in that module and I just prefer to not use it. Unfortunately, really a lot of damage comes from it. Ofc, i cannot miss the 80% of EDEN who joined TWO and actually killed the game. The difference was enormous and every single win of CoT was pure miracle. CoTWO vs EDEN was like 55/60-45/40 and as EDEN soldiers are well known as bigger gold buyers, the game still had interesting moments, but after changing sides and Plato’s tournaments, giving more health recovery per minutes, the balance was totally broken. Countries with large population like Serbia and Poland were able to double and this made the difference even bigger. I think that Serbia and Poland should take different ways and separate from each other. That will be good for all of us and I hope that more balanced alliances will be founded soon, because after all, everyone wants more exciting game.

It is worth the money (gold and cc) to spare us the hope of a better resume?

After all, we are here to have fun. No one has chains on it wrists, so who dont like the game is free to leave it at any moment. We cannot buy eCars, eJewels, cannot go to eHolidays, cannot visit the eRed lights district, so the only thing we can do is to spend all we have in battles. Sooner or later u reach a level that u cannot or u dont have desire to improve anything more and the only thing left is to give everything for your goals and causes. So, yeah - it is worth to spend what u have for something u believe 🙂